Wonder if there’s a time component as well. I would think they’d want to place one order of 60 rather than pulling the trigger at 50 and adding a second order.
Thanks for posting the updated link with the SS version. I had no interest in the blued version that was previously in the link but I am in now.Reminder for anyone on this thread who hasn’t done so yet:
Go to the link below, click “Notify Me”, and enter your email address to get on the list and be counted.
Factory Tikka .223 - Left Hand SS 8TW - Unknown Munitions
Sign up to purchase factory Tikka 223’s in the left handed version! Stainless 8TW is the current plan. We need 50 rifles to bring a shipment into the country, by adding your email to the list you are stating that you will purchase a rifle. Once we reach 50 rifles we will place an order.www.unknownmunitions.com