Final Rise - New era of upland vests

The shell/side pouches seem to hang really low, are those annoying at all? Did the XT come with Velcro shell loops to add to the loop panel inside the pouch?
The pockets do not seem to hang any lower than the original vest and those were no problem. I do not see these being an issue either.

If I am understanding your second question correctly, no, the pouches do not come with loop shell holders. There is velcro patch inside the pouch, but it did not come with anything in there. Let me know if that doesn't answer your question.
How are you liking the sidekick system after using it more? I'm looking at getting that vs the Summit as most my hunting here in CA is driving around on the RZR or Ranger then hopping out and walking/hiking prior to coming back to the SxS and being mobile again.

Was thinking the sidekick would allow me easy mobility but still flexible enough to use during dove hunting and training days.
How are you liking the sidekick system after using it more? I'm looking at getting that vs the Summit as most my hunting here in CA is driving around on the RZR or Ranger then hopping out and walking/hiking prior to coming back to the SxS and being mobile again.

Was thinking the sidekick would allow me easy mobility but still flexible enough to use during dove hunting and training days.
That would be a perfect scenario for the sidekick IMO.
These look really similar to the wingworks vests Im more familiar with. Are they significantly different? (Aside from being produced in higher numbers)

I have wing works, my hunting buddy that is on nearly every hunt with me has the final rise. For all intensive purposes they are same vest. I love Wing Works, but it is like getting soup from the soup Nazi on Seinfield to get one. I have gifted several of the Final Rise to clients and service and turn around time is 1,000 times better than Wing Works.

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Never heard 'and' sound like 'ive' before.....

Signed, Mr. Houkedonfonniks
It’s generally an accent thing and varies from region to region. Where I’m from in PA we tend to talk fast and in many cases use “n” in place of “and” for that type of statement. So to say it out loud it sounds like “for all intentsin purposes”
I have a WW. One of my huntin' buddies has a Final Rise. He had issues trying to purchase a WW and began looking elsewhere. He loves the vest due to the lighter weight and the options of molle attachments. It is holding up just fine after 2 seasons.
I saw the writing on the wall with Wings Works and ordered a spare vest years ago--will probably be good for the next 20 years. I have inspected final rise extensively--I think wings works are built tougher but for folks with no vest and needing one I'm sure they fit the bill for the avg upland hunter
Can confirm this vest is LEGIT. My dad was accustomed to the old-fashioned upland vests, I decided to buy the SUMMIT for Christmas after speaking on the phone with Matt the owner (Fantastic customer service as well). The following day we put on 10 miles chasing roosters & quail, he never felt more comfortable upland hunting in his life. These vests are true game changers not only in quality but comfort.

A year prior to the release I was in need of a strap vest for the numerous miles put in every season as Brock stated, ended up with the ORVIS strap vest after 4 years of hard abuse it is showing signs of wear and tear, the next vest I am getting will be a Final Risebut the ORVIS still has a season or two left.
This was my first year with a Final Rise Summit and I love it. My dog seems to run really hot so I wanted to be able to carry lots of water, and this vest works well for that. It's comfortable and I like being able to put a first aid kit on the molle straps outside.