So, I recently had a back and forth over on Reddit concerning Filson clothing and gear, and their targeted demographic for their items. He's adamant that its outdoorsman, ranchers and farmers. I tend to disagree. I know a lot of ranchers and farmers, and a ton of outdoorsman and none of them wear Filson for work. Maybe for a night on the town, but not out in the woods and fields. My question is this, how many of you wear Filson gear for hunting, hiking, camping, work, or other general outdoor use? I'm honestly curious. Most farmers, ranchers, and outdoors types I know gravitate towards Carhartt or the like for workwear. Kuiu, Sitka, etc. for hunting clothing. Though I know a ton that wear Carhartt for that as well. Almost everyone I've met that wears Filson also wear boots that never leave the asphalt or pavement. They're K Mart Cowboys if you will, or hipsters, or lumbersexuals. To me, it feels like that brand has gone the way of Abercrombie and Fitch, which used to be a serious producer of hard use outdoor gear. I was looking at one of their short lined cruiser jackets as a general use every day jacket, but found out that the chest pockets aren't even big enough to hold a cell phone, and there's no internal pocket so I had to pass. Seemed to me it wasn't too well thought out for what people would actually carry in it. Thanks for any input y'all have to offer!