Fight a bear?

Who would win, you or the bear?

  • I am bear chow

    Votes: 36 36.0%
  • I run faster than my hunting partner

    Votes: 20 20.0%
  • Mutual destruction - aka legends of the fall good death

    Votes: 30 30.0%
  • I will whip that bear’s ass

    Votes: 14 14.0%

  • Total voters
My uncle and one of his buddies got in on this in their early 20's, back when it was legal. Neither of them lasted more than 30 seconds. My uncle managed to get one of his front legs while he was standing and give him a partial spin getting him a little off balance, but it didn't last more than a second and he was on top of him.

More than likely, the wife would be getting a life insurance check. But I'd like to think I could get one good hit in.
Im going down fighting. Hopefully it’s just a black bear but even then they can be scary fast and mean if you manage to piss one off enough.

On a side note I have a friend who got bit in the foot by a wounded bear and shot it in the head with his pistol so it’s possible to win if armed.
If you've ever had a close encounter with a grizzly I'm pretty sure you voted "I'm bear chow". They are so fast and so incredibly strong that you're not going to stand a chance unless you are armed. Even the small one (250 lbs ?) that I had a very close stare down with I could tell was debating with himself whether he wanted to bother killing and eating me. After yelling at him and trying to make myself seem as badass as I could for a couple of minutes he very slowly walked back into the brush giving me a couple of slow side looks as he did.
I would bet my entire life savings that a grizzly would make a dinner of any unarmed human....

You MIGHT be able to convince a very small black bear that fighting you any longer might not be worth the injuries it would sustain. But you'd be pretty f'd up by the time you convinced him of that....

I have scars from "fighting" with a pitbull, and the only thing that saved me was him having a collar I could lift/strangle him with. If he didn't have that.... things likely would have been very different.
Well... I would not stop _trying_ to fight it, at least.

I figure with all the clothes ya got on while hunting, and pack on... I'd stand a Meh.. fair chance as long as it isn't too much bigger than my 220Lbs. Though I know pound-for-pound their strength level must be greater.

I figure biggest thing is avoiding the claws on their limbs from ripping ya whilst you're dealing with it's face/teeth... and prevent them from being able to ragdoll one of your limbs if they get to chomp down on ya, like on your non-dominant defensive limb you'd likely shoot out first instinctively to help prevent them from getting at your face.

But I tend to just get pissed-off by pain, rather than recoil in fear from it.
Yea, I fought a 200 lb. dog once. I don't recommend it. I'm not fighting a bear of any kind.

When I go out bowhunting, either a 10mm with Underwood loads or a .357 with Buffalo Bore goes with me. Today being the firearm deer season opener, I carried an 8" Anaconda as backup.
“You ever see me fightin a bear, you better jump in and help the bear!”
"I'm cold as a lion with no hair
If you ever see me fightin in da forest
With a grizzly bear
Cause that b***h goin need it"

It's what's playing on repeat in my head as I walk into/ out of the woods when its dark.