Fierce Carbon Rogue

I guess maybe I’m a Fierce fanboy. Edge in 6.5 CM is the first rifle I ever paid more than 1K for, and it was 3 times that. But I could not be happier. Well under MOA with factory ammo out to 500 yards. Practice to 500 so I can hunt to 400 with absolute confidence. Never had so much fun chootin. Now looking for 300 WM. Hoping I can hack it without a brake. I will say I emailed fierce with a trigger question, and John Mogle himself replied within a couple of days. Guess I’ll cross my fingers and spend my $.
It seems when things go well, which is often, it is great. The problem seems to be when they dont go great. Good luck and roll them dice. Hopefully you don't get snake eyes.
I just stumbled on this thread and thought I would also give my thoughts. I received my new CT Rival in 300 WSM with a 22" barrel in Feb of this year. To be clear, I have not logged much time behind the gun to this point. I am sitting at about 35 shots so far. I am just getting going on researching load development so for now have only shot Norma Bondstrike factory ammo through the gun. What I can say so far is the gun is very light. I am running the gun suppressed, EOL bipod and a lightweight Leupold 3-15 X 44 VX5. Fully assembled and ready roll, the gun is still a very manageable carry weight. The recoil configured as mentioned is also manageable. I find that the rifle being of the lighter variety does require my full attention on paper as opposed to my much heavier go to custom 28 Nosler that seems find home on paper with ease. That's no fault of the Fierce of course. Its just a lighter gun. With the limited shooting I've done with it, I can also say that when I do what needs doing from the bench, this gun has printed sub 1/2" MOA with the Norma factory ammo both with the brake and the suppressor at a better velocity than I even hoped for so that gives me great hope that if I choose, I can develop a good load for it that may even do better. The gun is pleasing to the last to mine. The titanium action runs pretty smooth and feeding and ejection to date have been good. My stock showed up with some fit and finish issues but i did not see it worth mentioning to the factory as it will get more bumps and bruises throughout its life in the field. As long as things continue as is, I have plans to grab a Carbon Rogue for my future antelope and deer pursuits in the 6.5 PRC hoping with similar results. If I had one complaint, I would say that the Bix N Andy trigger did not impress me and will likely get replaced down the road. Reviews have talked them up but my trigger is not terribly smooth and just feels a touch sloppy. It is however plenty functional so fine for now. Hope this helps.
I have a Carbon Rogue in 300 PRC that functions and shoots wonderfully, guess I got lucky.
No it is not luck. The majority are good rifles. It seems the problem is when there is a problem. When the rifle doesnt shoot well or is flawed. When that happens it seems the customer service is bad and accusatory.
So I have a Fury 28 Nosler. Does not like factory ammunition. At least not the factory Nosler ammunition of various kinds I have tried.
I contacted Fierce and asked what ammunition they recommended, got two boxes, still did not shoot.
Have tried a couple scopes. Same results.
Seams to be very picky yet to find what it likes. Tried several reloads better.
I ordered a Rival Xp 7prc back in March. I received it last week. I also own a rogue in 300 prc. I'm happy with both the rifles. BUT, I will not do business with Fierce again. Not that the rifles I ordered are less than desirable. They both feel good to shoulder and are a pleasure to shoot. Rather, over the course of several months I called and emailed Fierce for updates and to ask questions such as torque specs. I did not get a response until it was time to collect final payment. Once the final payment was received I was ghosted again when trying to contact them about shipping.

I'm a true beliver that customer service speaks volumes about a company!

If you want more info on my experience about their customer service send me a PM.
I just stumbled on this thread and thought I would also give my thoughts. I received my new CT Rival in 300 WSM with a 22" barrel in Feb of this year. To be clear, I have not logged much time behind the gun to this point. I am sitting at about 35 shots so far. I am just getting going on researching load development so for now have only shot Norma Bondstrike factory ammo through the gun. What I can say so far is the gun is very light. I am running the gun suppressed, EOL bipod and a lightweight Leupold 3-15 X 44 VX5. Fully assembled and ready roll, the gun is still a very manageable carry weight. The recoil configured as mentioned is also manageable. I find that the rifle being of the lighter variety does require my full attention on paper as opposed to my much heavier go to custom 28 Nosler that seems find home on paper with ease. That's no fault of the Fierce of course. Its just a lighter gun. With the limited shooting I've done with it, I can also say that when I do what needs doing from the bench, this gun has printed sub 1/2" MOA with the Norma factory ammo both with the brake and the suppressor at a better velocity than I even hoped for so that gives me great hope that if I choose, I can develop a good load for it that may even do better. The gun is pleasing to the last to mine. The titanium action runs pretty smooth and feeding and ejection to date have been good. My stock showed up with some fit and finish issues but i did not see it worth mentioning to the factory as it will get more bumps and bruises throughout its life in the field. As long as things continue as is, I have plans to grab a Carbon Rogue for my future antelope and deer pursuits in the 6.5 PRC hoping with similar results. If I had one complaint, I would say that the Bix N Andy trigger did not impress me and will likely get replaced down the road. Reviews have talked them up but my trigger is not terribly smooth and just feels a touch sloppy. It is however plenty functional so fine for now. Hope this helps.
What velocity are you getting from the Norma Bondstrike. I’m going to purchase a 7 MMPRC and I ordered some Bond strike and I want to set my scope up for them.
Wondering if you could tell me what the magazine OAL length is on your ct rival 300 wsm. Been thinking about getting one but want be able to seat bullets out