Field Strip meals

I haven't tried them yet, but PNWild did a taste test and Wild Society won most of their battles.

They were completely out of stock until recently, so I contacted them. They said that they were just in the middle of moving production facilities and should be back in stock soon. As soon as they came back in stock a couple weeks ago, I ordered some to try this fall. If it's as good as the PNWild guys say it is, it will be a home run because the volume and the calories are excellent.

I keep a spreadsheet of every food that I've used. Here's a snip of the top breakfast/dinner items by calorie density including packaging.

FoodMealWeight (g)Weight (oz)CaloriesProtein (g)Protein/CalCal/gCostHot H2O (oz)
WS Penne Alla VodkaDinner1685.91010370.0376.0$15.008
HC Beef & SpaghettiDinner1274.5560270.0484.4$13.56
WS Biscuits and GravyBreakfast1685.9740380.0514.4$15.0010
MH Fettuccine Alfredo w/ ChickenDinner1906.7820340.0414.3$8.99
HC Blueberry Cinnamon Buckwheat BreakfastBreakfast1264.4540130.0244.3$7.616
HC Spinach Curry w/ Chicken & RiceDinner1274.5540360.0674.3$12.7110
WS Breakfast SkilletBreakfast1696.0710530.0754.2$15.0010
MH Creamy Macaroni & CheeseDinner1505.3620260.0424.1$9.0011

I tried the fajitas, chicken primavera, and tamales and was not a fan. I calculated most their meals nutrition facts and they seem to check out to what they claim. I'll still probably try a few of their other recipes but not until next winter spring when they have more stock and I have the time. I do like how they calculate one bag as 1 serving and all meals are 150g.

Crunching numbers on their meals against others, they have some that are higher in cal/g and others that are considerably lower than other brands/recipes on the market already. If their other recipes taste better than the ones I've tried it'll be nice to have more choices to choose from than the 5 or 6 I currently stick to because of taste and density.
Yeah I was referencing freeze dried meals. I use quart freezer bags, though I might try to find a silicone bowl with a lid to rehydrate in. Last year I spent 50+ days in the field, pouring boiling water in plastic bags that I'm eating from. I would like to minimize the health factor of doing that.
Tons of options out there for the OCD, but for the past several 40+ day seasons, I just keep one Peak Refuel or BP Pantry bag for each hunt to reheat food from the quart freezer bags.
I’ve been doing this for years and the space savings is great. I used to use a gsi fareshare 2 mug to rehydrate and eat out of. But that mug with some mods was around 4-5 oz if I recall. Recently I picked up a big sky international pouch to use for rehydrating the meals and it works great. Weighs 1oz. I then take the ziplock bag and put it in my pot and fold the top of the bag over the edge of the pot and eat it out of the bag in the pot. Got that idea from @S&S ARCHERY. Big fan of this setup.
One the Pnwild guys says he puts all his meals in seperate ziplocs then uses one meal
Bag to put the meal and boiling water in and eats it. Then he rinses the bag out and reuses it.
Sounds kinda nasty.
Others have said it but the biggest benefit to field stripping your meals for me is the space it frees up in your ruck. Even if you have the room, rucking is much easier if you have a compact ruck that is sitting high up on your back.