Favorite Upland Hunting Clothing/Gear

I have an old Pella Bird n lite vest that I am sort of attached too.

I’ve had my Pellis bird n lite vest for several years now...it’s the best I’ve ever had! I’ve hunted all of the Appalachian mountains and North woods with it chasing grouse! Love it!
My brush/briar pants is a must have also. I’ve used several brands over the years and currently have redheads. I couldn’t imagine hunting grouse in the Appalachian mountains like I do with out them!
@cmankingsley That's helpful, I've been seriously thinking about getting one of these lately (especially since WingWorks is perpetually sold out) How much water can you comfortably carry with it? I'm a small dude and it seems like it's a very adjustable vest.
I've had my Centerfire for four or five years now. I love that thing. You can build it up to carry a crap ton of gear or strip it down for quick trips. Rides on my hips great!
I've even used it on day trips while deer hunting.
Orvis Upland pants and wing works vest for me. Still searching for the perfect jacket but tent to pick up the sitka jetstream the most.
@cmankingsley That's helpful, I've been seriously thinking about getting one of these lately (especially since WingWorks is perpetually sold out) How much water can you comfortably carry with it? I'm a small dude and it seems like it's a very adjustable vest.

[mention]NY16ga [/mention] I always carry two nalgenes with no issues. It is super adjustable like Superdoo said. You do have to purchase the water bottle pockets separately though.

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I don't think I've seen anyone post about boots, which to me is one of the most important pieces of upland gear. I really like my Lowa Boots, I have two pair, Tibets and Baffins. Love them for Dusky Grouse, Chukar, and Desert Quail.
I don't think I've seen anyone post about boots, which to me is one of the most important pieces of upland gear.

Totally agree, getting a pair of Lowa Rangers totally changed things for me after years of cheap boots. I was thinking about the Tibets for my next pair but might have to try out some Crispi's instead (I have wide feet)
but might have to try out some Crispi's instead (I have wide feet)

Yeah, I have exactly the opposite problem, I have very narrow feet. I can often where a B width, and sometimes even an A width in some brands. Given this, Lowa's fit my narrow feet better than any boot I have tried, and I've tried a few.
Orvis ToughShell pants have been a gamechanger for me.
