Favorite Podcast

For the guys that still like Kifarucast, is it because you're getting into trad bow stuff or what? I have a hard time listening to any of them now.
Elk Talk, Kifarucast, The Hunt Backcountry, Born and Raised Audio Experience, Gritty, and The Hunting Public.
Astonishing Legends is a good one I haven't seen mentioned

Lots of topics, digs into some history, some paranormal whether you are into that or not they are good guys and great story tellers.

Great listen behind the wheel
Backcountry Hunting Podcast by Joseph von Benedikt.

Love this one. Really focused on rifles and shooting as it applies to hunting. As an avid shooter and hunter it really encompasses everything I like.

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Yes my favorite podcast also.
He had one podcast on gun safety, talking about how he shot his twin brother in the chest at age 13...
MeatEater and closing the distance. MeatEater seems to be less about hunting and more about conservation and speaking with interesting guests, but closing the distance from Remi Warren is a good one that has 15 min podcasts that are very specific to hunting tactics.
My all time favorite is timesuck its alot of true crime and different historical events. He also tries to stay neutral on politics. After that meateater and going ballistics.
For the guys that still like Kifarucast, is it because you're getting into trad bow stuff or what? I have a hard time listening to any of them now.
I tired to listen to it for the first time. It was basically social media "hunters" talking trash about other social media "hunters." All drama, no substance.
My daily commute is 1:45 each way, so I burn through a TON of podcasts as well.

My favorite hunting podcasts that I listen to regularly are:
Epic outdoors, Kifarucast, hunt backcountry, on point, finding backcountry, meateater.

Some of my favorite non hunting podcasts are:
Culpable, Up and vanished, Cold, 1865, sports wars, blackout, Boom Town, Detective trap, Dr. Death, Dirty John, Monster DC Sniper, Murder in Oregon, and the mysterious Mr. Epstein.

Man that Murder in Oregon was frustrating to listen to. Makes you want to go up to Oregon and do some work on a few people.

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Man that Murder in Oregon was frustrating to listen to. Makes you want to go up to Oregon and do some work on a few people.

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For sure, The level of corruption and collusion in that story was really eye opening. Makes me wonder how much of that crap goes on that just never gets brought to surface.
I have listened to allmost all mentioned above but damn it sure feels like they are running out of things to talk about. Kifaru sounds like the same conversation over and over now. Meateater is sort of the same. Rogan gets some pretty quality and diverse guests so he keeps it interesting. Radiolab will always be good too it seems. Also listen to the barbless podcast for my fishing fix.
The History Of Rome. Its a chronological story of the Roman Empire. 178 Amazing episodes.
Revolutions. Goes through the big revolutions the world had endure in the last few hundred year.
Dan Carlins Hardcore History
Dan Carlins Adendum.
For the guys that still like Kifarucast, is it because you're getting into trad bow stuff or what? I have a hard time listening to any of them now.

Same here. I've tried Kifarucast 3 or 4 times because the subject matter they cover is interesting, but it always sounds like the hosts can't find many of the words they want and revert to some variety of the F bomb as a filler. Very tiring to listen to.

Steve on Meateater is thoughtful and articulate, but I do wonder how much of his content is now dictated by Pete Chernin.

Alaska DIY is pretty good, but they have relatively few episodes.