Favorite Packable Puffy

The Ghost whisperer is a top choice along with the stone glacier.

I recently bought an Outdoor Vitals NovaUL puffy and recently took it to Alaska where temps were down in 20s. It performed very well and packed very small. I was pretty impressed for what it is. If you are a member (10$) for a month it runs about 165$. Might be worth a look.
The SG is pretty nice and currently on sale for $200 on euro. I like mine a lot
Another vote for the Ambient if you this is more of an active layer. Lightweight and packs down well, but insulates surprisingly well, this is my go to layer for throwing into a daypack.

The SG is definitely more packable than the Super Down Pro, but the heavier face fabric of the KUIU jacket is a plus in my book.
Don't think puffy is the right choice if primary use is hiking
Yeah this thread went to glassing jackets instead of primarily hiking. A down jacket for hiking is going to get hot really fast( except for maybe the nanopuff). The ambient is an outstanding piece for hiking and some static use. It really does perform well. And it is pretty light as well.