Favorite Magnus Head for Whitetail?

Crazy Coot

Aug 27, 2021
I'm considering Magnus again for this upcoming fall for whitetail. Just from the Magnus lineup, which is your favorite head for whitetail?
I’ve shot them with both black hornets and stingers; if I was just shooting whitetails and If put of a treestand I’d shoot black hornet 4 blades
I'm considering Magnus again for this upcoming fall for whitetail. Just from the Magnus lineup, which is your favorite head for whitetail?
They haven't made them for a while now. My favorite all-time Magnus head was their "journeyman" head, but they are hard to find. Every deer I shot, and my son's first deer (when he was 12) all went down in sight with that head. Just something about them. Easy to sharpen too.
I've been looking to try out Magnus as well. What are the pros & cons for the serrated vs. straight blades?
They say the advantage of the serration is more tissue damage on its way through. I think it would be tough notice any difference on a broadside whitetail. For me I think they look meaner and that gives me a mental advantage.
4 blade buzzcuts for me.. Been wanting to try the black hornets for a few years but just haven't convinced myself they'd do anything better, so I've just stuck with the buzzcuts.
I like the Buzzcut over the Black Hornets because of the blade angle. More of a slicing cut than a chopping cut. JMO.