Favorite Knife Sharpeners for Field and Home

Various grit stones for home, Work Sharp for the truck or basecamp for touchups between spikes, and a 4" ceramic rod and leather strop for the field. Used to bring the Work Sharp with me but for mid-animal touch ups I was just using the ceramics, so I figured I could save a few ounces. I don't usually wind up having to do multiple animals without a trip back to the truck or basecamp, so I'm fine with leaving the Work Sharp behind.
I know I'm pulling up an older thread here but I stopped at Cabelas on Black Friday and while there, picked up a Worksharp Field Sharpener. My idea had been to have that as an in-pack or portable tool while getting something like the Spyderco Sharpmaker for home. Well, I don't think getting anything else is necessary. That field sharpener gets knives scary-sharp really quickly. I'm very impressed.
I like a standard Worksharp belt sharpener that I use at home and take with me hunting to use off the trucks electrical system. It works the best for me as I am a not good at holding a consistent angle and sharpening without a guide.

Elk hunting I get two knives hair shaving sharp and don't touch them until I have an elk to process which I can do with the two knives without any touchup sharpening. I then restore edges with the Worksharp when I get back to the truck.