Favorite bird to hunt

Grouse for me. I don't hunt turkey anymore so my vote probably doesn't count much because those are the only two birds I've ever hunted. Grouse sure taste amazing on a moose hunt when you can't find a moose to shoot.
Turkeys no doubt.

Ducks and Doves, then Quail and grouse.

Sandhill cranes are fun but it’s a draw hunt so I’ve only been once!

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For me it is hands down Snow Geese in the spring (or fall I guess). Having giant wads of geese flip floppin into a spread is the best. Also, I love a good 30mph blizzardy pass shoot on snows when they have their bellies on the ground.

Also, you get to shoot more. Duck hunting is cool for 30minutes until you fill out. 20 snows in the fall and unlimited in the spring...count me in.

Then you aren’t hunting them in the Great Lakes states.
I hunt them here in MN....they are dumb and die easy. The only thing that really makes them difficult is when the leaves are on early in the season. The best part of Grouse hunting is when the Woodcock migration is coming through.
For me it is hands down Snow Geese in the spring (or fall I guess). Having giant wads of geese flip floppin into a spread is the best. Also, I love a good 30mph blizzardy pass shoot on snows when they have their bellies on the ground.

Also, you get to shoot more. Duck hunting is cool for 30minutes until you fill out. 20 snows in the fall and unlimited in the spring...count me in.

I hunt them here in MN....they are dumb and die easy. The only thing that really makes them difficult is when the leaves are on early in the season. The best part of Grouse hunting is when the Woodcock migration is coming through.
We must have hunted very different parts of MN. I thought the grouse were very sporting last fall when we hunted MN.
You’re not road hunting are you?
Grouse, preferably ruffed grouse. I love where they live, I love the camouflage and challenge it is to find them, and I like to listen to them in spring. Phenomenal taste.
Sharptails and prairie chickens. I really like the idea of being the only one around for miles in the Sandhills of Nebraska and just walking mile after mile if it's a difficult year for birds.