I know they're "Sky carp," but geese!
Actually I'd say waterfowl (geese and ducks), but we shoot a 4:1 ratio of geese to ducks.
Ducks fly like they're on crack and can be hard to shoot, even when decoying because they dip and dive so fast. But I love the colors of their iridescent feathers and a game strap of green heads is tough to beat.
I could watch geese maple leaf all day. Love shooting decoying honkers. Watching them lock up a mile out and suck right into the kill hole or work a decoy spread with locked wings, feet down.
When it's snowing, raining, sleet, windy and nasty, I'm like a pig in mud. I love the grind and embrace "the suck." Non-waterfowlers and non-hunters think I'm absolutely insane when it's cold, windy, rainy and nasty and I'm out in a layout with a smile on my face, perfectly dry and content.
Setting deeks, hunkering down in a field or an a frame with a bunch of buddies, wind at your back, hearing the first honk of the day of the "scout bird." Or ducks dive bomb the spinner coming out of no where as it's zero-dark-thirty in the morning. Or that 1-2 minutes before shooting light you can hear the whistling wings above and see the ducks trying to land on the spinners as your checking your watch for official start of shooting time.
That and you're sharing experiences with people you enjoy, goofing around in the blinds and playing pranks on each other, chatting with buddies while it's slow.
Also enjoy scouting for birds and knowing if your on a hot field. Reading birds as they're flying, honking at them communicating with them and trying to trick them with flags, motion decoys and switching the spread if they don't "work" the way you want them to.
Hunting waterfowl with everything from field, ponds, boats, pits, layouts, a frames, trailer full of decoys, atvs, socks, silos, full bodies, spinners and everything in between.
I love it!