Favorite bino retailer?

Oct 23, 2018
Tried to find some used 8.5 ELs but will likely go with Monarch HGs this season. Anyone have a favorite place to buy binos? Looks like optics planet is cheapest, but would rather support a hunter focused company
Appreciate the responses, sadly 1shot doesn’t have Nikon. Re: maven, I would, but HGs are definitely better IMO
LL Bean sometimes has great deals on the Nikons. You should check with Doug also though as he has never not offered to match another seller to me.
I got my son's Nikon Monarch Hg's from LL Bean. Coupon codes coupled with ebates was the lowest price I could find. I don't buy much of anything from LL Bean anymore but you can get a good deal on binoculars if you work it.
I got a significantly better deal from Doug vs. optics planet. Also Doug will help with comparisons of brands in your price range to get you the best bang for your bux.
Thanks all! Lots of great suggestions

And yes, I have looked through the maven and the hg, unfortunately not side by side but it was enough to make me confident in my choice. Plenty of others with similar experiences as well
Give Adam a call at Johns Sports Center Pittsburg KS 620 231 7740
has a great pair of used 10x42 EL right now and might know of an 8x
always something coming through.
I’m not currently in the market and I havent bought any bino’s in a long time since I went the buy once, cry once Swaro route 13 years ago. However I do plan to replace my Leica range finder either this year or next and I will
Call Doug at Cameraland first. Just too many good reviews on few forums I am on to ignore.
I got my son's Nikon Monarch Hg's from LL Bean. Coupon codes coupled with ebates was the lowest price I could find. I don't buy much of anything from LL Bean anymore but you can get a good deal on binoculars if you work it.

Nice! Never thought of that. What total savings were you able to get?