Precooked brats, vacuum sealed and frozen, eat real good when you put the vacuum bag in boiling water for about 7 minutes at camp. i also freeze some dirty rice and vacuum seal it too. Treat it the same way. For 10 days, I'd d two of those for dinner.
I also bake chicken quarters and do the same. I often peel and dice potato's ahead of time and store them in the ice chest. If you soak them for an hour, then refill the pot they are soaking in and re-drain it two more times, to remove the starch, they do not turn brown in the cooler. I fry those up when I put the chicken quarter vacuum bags in the boiling water to thaw. I do 3 meals of these.
I always can up a half gallon of home made soup or, when I catch Boston Butts for 99 cents a pound, I buy several. I cut them off the bone into chunks, put some of the chunks in a half gallon canning jar with potato's, garlic, carrots, and onions, add a TBSP of canning salt, and can it up at 12 pounds for 90 minutes. It is AWESOME. I usually take a jar of this on 2 week hunts. This plus the soup gets me 3 more nights. I'm up to 8 dinners with this.
I will bring 2 big hunks of frozen and vacuum sealed baked spaghetti. I'm at 10 suppers there
I'll bring fresh meat to eat the firs four nights before I have to start worrying about it going bad. I always have potato's for sides with these. If you have your potato's prepared like I said above, you can cook the meat in less then 10 minutes.
I do breakfast eats by canning them. Just brings eggs. But, most times I don't eat this much because I rarely come back to cam during the day. And, I'm not eating that stuff to early. But, if I'm in camp, I'm going to eat canned sausage or bacon, may be tenderloin of I want fresh meat, eggs, and a coupe big glasses of whole milk. That's living pretty good right there. :^)
This is a basis of what I eat when hunting out of a base camp and, how I do it. You can apply your tastes to the methods without every having to worry about uncooked food spoiling and making you sick. I've seen that happen and it ruins a trip. Good luck and God Bless