Favorite 6.5 PRC bullet for elk?

Shoot whatever your rifle digests most accurately, all the time, and at all the ranges you are capable of shooting. For the love of God please focus on placement rather than projectile - varmint bullets excused. I have killed many, many dozens of really tough game with NE solids... all factory ammo by the by...
127 Barnes LRX
130 Berger OTM
130 Sierra TMK
140 Berger Hybrid Target
140 Berger Elite Hunter
140 Hornady ELD-M
140 Barnes Matchburner
142 Nosler LR Accubond
143 Hornady ELD-X
144 Berger LR Hybrid Target
145 Barnes Matchburner
147 Hornady ELD-M
156 Berger EOL

When I was doing research on 6.5 bullets two years ago, this is the list of options I compiled that met my criteria with a few additions since. Berger 140 Hybrids and Hornady 143 ELD-Xs are my go to.
156 Berger coming out of the muzzle @3030 has worked very well.
This rifle/bullet taken 5 elk, with impact velocities ranging from 2820- 1986. In all cases follow up shots were not needed.

Two years ago there was a hard quartering away shot at 280 yards. Impact hit high and a bit back, but did a lot of internal damage and the cow died quickly.
I'm curious what 6.5 PRC bullet everyone likes for elk within ~400 yards. I've seen a lot of guys talk about Berger 156 and ELD-M's, my only concern is that I'm almost positive most of my shots will be within 4-500 yards, and I know those bullets perform best when they have time to expand.

At shorter distances, I'm thinking the Nosler AB or another bonded bullet might be a good option, and I'd prefer some heavier bullets if possible.

Does anyone have a bonded bullet they recommend at those shorter distances?
Short-range elk destruction, try the 180gr Swift Scirocco, boom.
I'm curious what 6.5 PRC bullet everyone likes for elk within ~400 yards. I've seen a lot of guys talk about Berger 156 and ELD-M's, my only concern is that I'm almost positive most of my shots will be within 4-500 yards, and I know those bullets perform best when they have time to expand.

At shorter distances, I'm thinking the Nosler AB or another bonded bullet might be a good option, and I'd prefer some heavier bullets if possible.

Does anyone have a bonded bullet they recommend at those shorter distances?
The norma bondstrike shoots good in my gun. Only one deer kill at this time but was a bang flop experience complete passthrough lungs where mush, under 100 yards. Im pushing them around 3050 with N565. At under 400 yards I wouldn't hesitate to use it on elk.
I'm curious what 6.5 PRC bullet everyone likes for elk within ~400 yards. I've seen a lot of guys talk about Berger 156 and ELD-M's, my only concern is that I'm almost positive most of my shots will be within 4-500 yards, and I know those bullets perform best when they have time to expand.

At shorter distances, I'm thinking the Nosler AB or another bonded bullet might be a good option, and I'd prefer some heavier bullets if possible.

Does anyone have a bonded bullet they recommend at those shorter distances?
I have killed three elk one shot each with my 6.5x06 and 140gr HORNADY SP. Wouldn't phase me to use the 140gr Speer HC either. Mater of fact have it loaded in my 6.5x55 and 260 Rem. I believe that what bullet you use is no where near important as how you use the bullet you you have.
Only elk I've shot with a 6.5 was with a 6.5x06 and 140gr Hornady interlock. All bullets exited. range from about 200 yds on one and around 150 on the other two. If I do it again it]ll be with a 140gr Speer Hor Core.
I've had a lot of luck with the 147ELDM in factory ammo from under 100 yards to out past 700 yards.
The girlfriend got a 6.5prc this year and she’s using eld. They group really well.
That's a vague statement there's about 10 6.5 "eld" projectiles that could be loaded in the 6.5 PRC and atleast 2 that come in factory offerings.