Father/Son Hunt Advice

I’m sorry that you interpreted the line “In no way looking to get someone’s location or even units, just general input” as me looking for someone’s honey hole. 🤦‍♂️
And then you go on to ask the location for a place you can find game that isn’t super vertical like most western states. Since most elk live in nasty country, a place like that would be considered a honey hole. I do several out of state hunts every year. I put miles on my boots and use OnX. Never once have I gone on here and asked for a location. My advice stands, either put in the work yourself or hire somebody to do the work for you and pay a guide🤦🏻‍♂️
I've received lots of helpful advice from members here in the past. No honey holes, but still very useful information. I'm glad I could try to repay some of that to the OP here, and happy there were some others that were helpful as well.
Good luck in your search!
Thank you for this post. I too would love to go somewhere with my father. We hunt whitetails in the Adirondacks of NY. Unfortunately, as he gets older things get harder for him to do. That combined with an knee injury from a few years ago while hunting has him feeling like he cant do it. I did an Alaskan Caribou hunt in September and loved it and would love to take him. He feels he couldn't do it as he couldn't put the distance in hiking wise. I told him we had plenty of shot opportunities from camp, Heck one guy in my group shot one from camp.

I'm not an idiot I do see his point. Regardless, I want to get a big hunt in with him before it really is too late. He's my favorite hunting partner and the one I always want to be in the woods with. So thank you for the post, and thank you to those who gave honest answers.