I shoot a Mathews Chill X, at 29" draw and 55# for deer hunting.
I am buying new broadheads and have a choice of 100 grain or 125 grain.
My current arrow is a Gold Tip Velocity 400 spine, 28", 100-grain broadhead shooting 275fps. The total arrow weight is 367 which comes to 61.62 kinetic and .448 slugs, the FOC is 9.6 and comes to 6.6 grains per pound.
I know it will not make a huge difference but since I am buying new broadheads if I move to 125-grain broadhead with the same arrow it would give me 392-grain arrow weight that would make the kinetic energy 61.11 and a slug number of .461, the FOC would move to 12.26 and 7.1 grains per pound. The downside would be I would lose 10 fps the heavier arrow would be at 265fps.
2 questions:
1 - Is it worth giving up 10 fps for a better FOC and heavier arrow????
2 - How do you decide if a faster arrow is better than a heavier arrow???
Thanks for any input you can give me.