- Joined
- Feb 27, 2012
- Location
- Colorado Springs
I'm not sure why the NRA is not at this meeting, and it would be nice to know why.
Chris Cox was on The Kelly Show explaining why. He said they were only going to be allowed to have one scripted question, so obviously there was no sense in going. I understand their stance.......you just can't have a rational conversation with Obama.
And Obama was pandering to all the Constitutional clueless people in the country saying that "we are not taking away your guns". Most of the country has absolutely no idea what "shall not be infringed upon" means. Just try and infringe on the potheads here and regulate that they can only buy one joint a week, and wait for the outcry. Yet, for something guaranteed in the Constitution, it's not a big deal to most people.
Funny thing is.......I am not a history buff, nor much of a reader or studier at all (like Hootsma obviously is), but even without the Constitution.......this is just all common sense to me. Independence, freedom, liberty, and God given rights just make sense. Anything contrary to those makes absolutely no sense to me, because if you follow the logic (or lack thereof) they all end in failure.