If you missed the CNN requested "Town Hall Meeting" on Guns in America following the EA mentioned in the OP. Here is the youtube link to the full show. I do not believe the POTUS was using a teleprompter. I'm not sure why the NRA is not at this meeting, and it would be nice to know why.
In the first few moments; "He states that there are 30,000 gun deaths a year, and 2/3 of those are suicide." In my head I calculate that to be 20,000 suicides. So out of the remaining 10,000 they are either crime related or accidental? I'm sorry, but no gun law is going to stop the suicidal. So, is the number of concern is 10,000 gun related deaths?
Taya Kyle, the widow of Kris Kyle and Kimberly Corban a rape victim have some very intelligent statements and questions. Then the POTUS starts to address these woman but then slowly distracts the conversation and attempts to sell ice to the penguins.
Later on the POTUS acknowledges that violent crime / murder rates have been declining for a long time and blames that lost fact on the media. So what is this EA about???
I think it is about the next very small step to the hidden agenda. Government
OF the people with complete disregard of the Constitution & The Bill of Rights
H.R. 4269 - introduced on 12-16-15
To regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited, and for other purposes.
Hootsma, I echo the others. I parallel your stance not only on the OP, but on where we should be as ... A Republic, One Nation Under God.