Mostly because he's not genuine. He grandstands for attention (see symbolic measures to repeal Obamacare that really just cost taxpayer money).
I guess that's one way to look at it. Or, you could look at him as a principled patriot who stands up for what he believes in and fights for it using the legals tools provided to him by the federal government and the Constitution. Just curious... could you compare and contrast how much he cost the taxpayers with his 'grandstanding' versus how much obamacare is costing and going to cost the taxpayers?
He is very intelligent but will craft his words as to leave room to wiggle out if he sees it beneficial to Ted Cruz (yes, he's a politician).
He doesn't craft his words carefully so he can wiggle out of things. Can you point to any stances that he's flip flopped on? He crafts his words carefully because he knows that a liberal/progressive controlled media is going to distort his words and take them out of context at every opportunity they can to make him look like he is saying something he is not.
I also don't like his stance on the whole land transfer thing or the LWCF (sorry, Texas isn't a good model for public land).
I'm having a hard time figuring you out. You try to make a point by insinuating people on here are socialists for enjoying public land and then say your not really a socialist and then you criticize a guy like Ted Cruz for filing an amendment which would prohibit the government from owning more than 50% of the land within one state. Right now, the government owns 20% of the land in this nation which includes over 50% of the states of Alaska, Oregon, Idaho, Nevada and Utah. I've seen the contentious threads on here about the return of federal lands back to the states and I can definitely see the pitfalls associated with that. However, limiting the government to less than 50% ownership of any one state seems reasonable. If not, then what percentage is reasonable?
As far as the LCWF, he not against this expenditure, he wants to reform it. He wants the money in the program to be available to the large backlog of existing projects on currently owned federal lands so that they can take care of what they already own before they buy more. Does that seem unreasonable. That makes a lot of sense to me.
I guess I'm just surprised that you've made up your mind on him based on these two issues that are so far down on the list of Americans concerns. Your never going to find a candidate that agrees with you on 100% of the issues. But, if you can find some common ground on the really big issues then you've got something. I'm sorry, but these aren't really big issues.
He also seems to miss a lot of votes in the Senate, which I take as not doing his job.
As you can probably guess, I voted for Obama...
This is absolutely hilarious!!!!
Here are the percentage of missed votes by senator candidates for this past year and the website they came from:

Keep this in mind (quoted from the article): "To make it a fair comparison, because not all of the candidates have been serving the same length of time, we looked at only the votes in the last year — the time period when the candidates were running for president."
And here are the percentage of missed votes by senator candidates for the 2008 election:

Keep this in mind as well (quoted from the article): "We looked at some of the 2008 candidates during the same one-year time period that, like today, was 378 days ahead of the election."
Cruz = 20% missed votes
Obama = 29% missed votes
On the surface they both look pretty bad. Your right, they need to be doing their jobs. But, there jobs aren't simply to cast votes. Their jobs are to get bill passed or stopped to satisfy their constituency. As long as the votes they are missing are votes where it would not have changed the outcome of the vote, then what's the problem? I don't know if that's the case, because I haven't researched it, because it's not an important issue. But, you have to admit that it's pretty hypocritical of you to criticize him and list this as a reason not to vote for him, when you voted for Obama with a much worse record. While we're at it, should we compare and contrast the amount of time spent not doing their jobs and tax payer money wasted by these two guys on vacationing?
I also find it funny how the whole birther argument with Obama is not applied to Ted Cruz, a Canadian anchor-baby.
'Canadian anchor-baby' is another one of your strawman arguments. An anchor baby is a baby born on US soil to an illegal immigrant. His mother is an American citizen which makes him an American citizen regardless of his place of birth, exactly like Obama, even if he was born in Kenya (which I do not believe nor care). And, it is being applied to Cruz if you would pay any attention or bothered to take a look. This should cover all the major news networks:
No need continue the back and forth as you aren't going to change my mind or vice versa.
Your right, this is probably the best course of action because I've laid out reasoned, rational, factually supported arguments which clearly demonstrated the hypocrisy in some of your views and you've rebutted almost none of them and yet your still insisting on what seems like a very close minded, uniformed point of view (which, as a free American, your entitled to...for now). That's about all I can do. Good luck!