Ever had a knife that you just can’t seem to get sharp?

I've had good luck with Buck knives. I've got 6 or 8 of them. My favorite knife and the one in my day pack is a Buck Lite. Keeps an edge and touches up easily. One thing I've found is the first time I sharpen a Buck knife, it will take a while. Once I get them the way I like to sharpen, they're great. I use a EZE-LAP round diamond sharpener that also goes in my day pack.
The worst knife I've ever had was a Gerber. It was a big folding knife with a heavy blade. I really liked the way it felt in my hand but I could not get an edge on it. I spent hours working on it. I finally traded it as part of a gun deal. I had bought my brother a folding Gerber with black plastic grips that would sharpen up so good you could easily shave with it. I liked it so much that I tried to get another like it for me. I could not find one anywhere. That's when I ended up with the other one, thinking it would be just as good. Wrong. I'm done with Gerber.
T28W & AK Troutbum

I sent both you guys a private message. Hope you take me up on my offer. I had a gentlemen from back east a while back send me 4 knives to sharpen. He insured them and sent them to me and trusted me with 4 very nice knives. I did them and sent them back to him a day or two later. He was so impressed that he sent me 3 more a few weeks later to do. These weren't cheap knives either.

I’m bringing this thread back around because I wanted to give a huge shout out/thank you to 6mm Remington. I took David up on a very generous offer to ship him my knife to see if he could put a sharp edge on it. To say that this knife has an extremely sharp edge is probably an understatement and it is most definitely much sharper then when it was purchased new approximately 42 years ago. I dare say that, my Buck 103 Skinner, is as sharp as a new razor blade. Thanks again David, and if you ever make it up to Alaska, the beer is on me.

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I’m bringing this thread back around because I wanted to give a huge shout out/thank you to 6mm Remington. I took David up on a very generous offer to ship him my knife to see if he could put a sharp edge on it. To say that this knife has an extremely sharp edge is probably an understatement and it is most definitely much sharper then when it was purchased new approximately 42 years ago. I dare say that, my Buck 103 Skinner, is as sharp as a new razor blade. Thanks again David, and if you ever make it up to Alaska, the beer is on me.

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Did he put a mirror finish on it? 😂
Every knife I've had is like that after I use it. I suck at sharpening.
I am in that zip code. However I did buy a bargain cave SOG from Cabela's that I struggled with more than others. Now I am a Havalon guy. Problem solved. I do still carry a folder as well.
I'm generally ok at sharpening things, but have a set of woodsman broadheads that I can not get to take an edge for the life of me. They looked like the end all be all traditonal broadhead on paper but ended up delegated to bunny duty.
Well doesn't that beat all. I thought I was the only one trapped in a wet paperbag with a dull knife. I just plane suck at it and I have a rather large collection of knives and sharpeners. I now carry in my hunting pack a couple folding knives that have gut hooks on them and my skinning knives now are outdoor edge replaceable blades. The funny thing is when the blade gets dull on those I can do a quick stone on them and bring the edge right back, so I don't replace the blade very often.
I've used a Lansky since the 80's and never had any problems with sharpening until I tried one of my S30V knives. The regular stones are pretty much useless on it. So I bought the diamond hones recently, and kind of thought that Gerber probably used 20 degrees on the angles, and that's why they feel so sharp new. But I tried 25 degrees first after marking the edge with a black Sharpie, and sure enough.......they're 20 degrees. So after using 20 degrees, my knives are finally back to shaving sharp and feeling new again. I'll tell you though, that extra coarse diamond hone IS like using a file on it.
+1 on making sure you are not pulling the carbides out of the base metal with an Arkansas stone. You need to use diamond stones to shape the carbides, which is where the performance on high vanadium blades comes from.

If you can get a good edge on a carbon blade you can get one on a high Vanadium blade it'll just take longer. Don't press too hard thinking you'll get it shaped faster.
I’m bringing this thread back around because I wanted to give a huge shout out/thank you to 6mm Remington. I took David up on a very generous offer to ship him my knife to see if he could put a sharp edge on it. To say that this knife has an extremely sharp edge is probably an understatement and it is most definitely much sharper then when it was purchased new approximately 42 years ago. I dare say that, my Buck 103 Skinner, is as sharp as a new razor blade. Thanks again David, and if you ever make it up to Alaska, the beer is on me.

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Thanks for the kind words and I'm glad that you are pleased with the end product!
Every knife I ever had, terrible at it, tried many sharpeners over the years, once in a while I get a good edge but rarely!

About to break down and get a worksharp!