Ever catch grouse by hand?

Had a tame grouse up at my cabin a few years ago. When he would hear my atv come up the road he would fly out of the woods into the yard. He would eat out of my hand and follow me around the yard. He was there for about 3 years and then disappeared.
We were hunting in Northern Wis. for ruffed grouse, when I stepped on the tail feathers of one that was hunkered down. When he took off it scared the crap out of me. I never saw it, and yes I did miss it.
We were hunting in Northern Wis. for ruffed grouse, when I stepped on the tail feathers of one that was hunkered down. When he took off it scared the crap out of me. I never saw it, and yes I did miss it.
Nothing like walking through eye level brush accidentally flushing hens to clear out before a colonoscopy!
I have caught wild sage grouse in Wyoming in the spring and ruffed grouse in Maine by hand. Both times they were accustomed to people. I just pet them and released them. The sage grouse kind of snuggled for a cuddle. Like they were lab puppies.
Friend had one at his camp that would come out every time he rode his ATV through an opening in a stone wall. Shut off the ATV and lay on the ground and it would walk all over you. You could "pet" its breast and "play" with it or feed it out of your hands. It was around for 3 years and then disappeared.

I have caught a few via rock or stick projectile. There was one my buddy and I got by hand. We both dived for it at the same time and collided. After we collected our wits and stopped laughing we got him. Turned out he was injured and one half of his body was green with infection which is why he was not acting right.
They become very territorial in the Spring. We have had resident grouse like to guard their turf by charging out and pecking at us. Can catch them too. They are funny.