I do 30-40 euros a year. All boiler and pressure washer. I have never seen one do that. A lot of my customers are return clients that wouldn't hesitate to give me hell over something like that.
The very first heads I did for myself back in high school that I still have, were way over-boiled (no pressure washer at the time. Literally hours in a boil and coming up on 20 years since they were done and do not have cracks like that.
I admittedly got a hog head a little to hot last weekend. No grease left in it, but definitely is a bit more chalky than my standard work.
The very first heads I did for myself back in high school that I still have, were way over-boiled (no pressure washer at the time. Literally hours in a boil and coming up on 20 years since they were done and do not have cracks like that.
I admittedly got a hog head a little to hot last weekend. No grease left in it, but definitely is a bit more chalky than my standard work.