Anybody else tried explaining this to their wife? I did. It didn't go well.
Her: What are you laughing at?
Me: The hunting forum.
Her: The hunting forum can be funny?
Me: This thread is.
Her: What's the thread about?
Me: A guy shot a deer and thinks someone stole it.
Her: That doesn't sound funny.
Me: Well, a guy made a meme video of Hitler from Downfall. It was really funny.
Her: That doesn't sound funny either.
Me: And that's why I don't take you hunting.
Her: I want a divorce,
Hopefully this is legible. Trying to make a Venn diagram of where we are to keep this thread straight in my mind.
Exactly. I'm not in the running for meme king, but it's quite an effort to keep up with the thread AND watch for the reactions to my posts.What this thread needs is a spreadsheet with how many likes each meme got.
Then we can make a pivot table with which memer is Supreme....
I had to take Thursday and Friday off just so I could catch up with what was posted Tuesday and Wednesday while I was working. I sure hope this thread ends this weekend or I’m gonna have to start taking vacation days.Damn, I gotta head off to work, won't be checking this again until tomorrow morning. Almost scared to think about how far I will be behind!
He dropped this gem on us back on #1663 with almost no return fire sent down range. The HT dudes tore that one up on their social media trashing thread a while back.@twsnow18 can we get another clue to help generate memes...
See if this helps - "Hey, this guy on that website I mentioned, with an avatar that isn't him, told me that because of my movie I'm his personal hero. Well, to be specific, I'm *one* of his several personal heros, some of which include fictional characters, most of which are questionable in a variety of ways (like Tony Montana and SpongeBob Squarepants). So yeah. There's that!"My wife knows I stayed up way too late making that video. Told her about this thread, that people liked the video, and that now I / Dos Perros have even made it into some memes. She looked at me, a rather mediocre dude, with a little too much disbelief and suspicion that it kind of hurt my feelings.
Probably this kind of ish is what Matt Bowers was able to seize upon.