If you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough
My most epic pack out was actually my very first "backcountry" hunt. Up until this excursion I had always been a dayhunter who returned to the truck or the boat once it got dark, never venturing too far from basecamp. Well my dumb ass, fresh out of my parents front door and in my first semester on my own, figured I could handle a weekend hunt with all of my heavy car-camping gear strapped to the outside of my dayhunting pack.
I could probably write 20 pages of what happened next but I'll keep it relatively short;
I managed to bag my buck at 0800 of the first morning and true to dayhunting style, I chose to gut and drag my buck back to the truck. Usually not a problem but I had about 60lbs worth of gear crammed into/onto my little internal REI dayhunter and ready for the long weekend. I will say this, that pack is as tough as nails, however, I'd rather eat my dads old xtra-tuffs than ever use that pack to haul any amount of weight again.
Almost exactly 12 hours after the shot, I finally made it back to the truck. The physical damage was pretty bad, hands and shoulders blistered to hell, but psychologically I was beyond done. That little adventure was a huge learning experience and I'm very fortunate that I wasn't injured or worse.
Believe it or not, this hunt was what sparked my addiction to backcountry hunting and ever since, I've been pinching my pennies and saving every little bit I can to put towards a Kifaru pack. I think that at the end of this month I'll be putting in an order on a bikini + highcamp!
My most epic pack out was actually my very first "backcountry" hunt. Up until this excursion I had always been a dayhunter who returned to the truck or the boat once it got dark, never venturing too far from basecamp. Well my dumb ass, fresh out of my parents front door and in my first semester on my own, figured I could handle a weekend hunt with all of my heavy car-camping gear strapped to the outside of my dayhunting pack.
I could probably write 20 pages of what happened next but I'll keep it relatively short;
I managed to bag my buck at 0800 of the first morning and true to dayhunting style, I chose to gut and drag my buck back to the truck. Usually not a problem but I had about 60lbs worth of gear crammed into/onto my little internal REI dayhunter and ready for the long weekend. I will say this, that pack is as tough as nails, however, I'd rather eat my dads old xtra-tuffs than ever use that pack to haul any amount of weight again.
Almost exactly 12 hours after the shot, I finally made it back to the truck. The physical damage was pretty bad, hands and shoulders blistered to hell, but psychologically I was beyond done. That little adventure was a huge learning experience and I'm very fortunate that I wasn't injured or worse.
Believe it or not, this hunt was what sparked my addiction to backcountry hunting and ever since, I've been pinching my pennies and saving every little bit I can to put towards a Kifaru pack. I think that at the end of this month I'll be putting in an order on a bikini + highcamp!