Enough gun?

I keep hearing the small caliber fragmenting bullets are taking over all of hunting and everyone who tries one sells everything and buys a Rokslide special.

The 77 TMK has been around almost 10 years, yet nobody I know, or even a friend of a friend hunts with it. I wish a few friends would step up and go hunting with one. I do know a few guys that went through a phase, usually with 25-06 and even respect the old guy that has killed more big elk with his 257 Roberts under 200 yards than I’ll ever see during the seasons, but that’s a long way from 5.56 and 6mm territory.
You ever fight a guy who went by “Corn Pop”?
I keep hearing the small caliber fragmenting bullets are taking over all of hunting and everyone who tries one sells everything and buys a Rokslide special.

The 77 TMK has been around almost 10 years, yet nobody I know, or even a friend of a friend hunts with it. I wish a few friends would step up and go hunting with one. I do know a few guys that went through a phase, usually with 25-06 and even respect the old guy that has killed more big elk with his 257 Roberts under 200 yards than I’ll ever see during the seasons, but that’s a long way from 5.56 and 6mm territory.

I hope you guys get the word out a little quicker - the ignorant long range target crowd doesn’t seem to be switching over to the 223 turtle either, or is it tortoise, unless they have to meet a class requirement. I’ll be pissed if after listening to all the high praise only a tiny percent of shooters adopt it, and we don’t have a chance to see one at elk camp.

I also find it funny that many of the small caliber crowd that bang their drums the loudest are going to larger faster rounds - isn’t that overkill? Burning the same amount of powder with similar weight bullets as the 270 seems to be acceptable as long as it’s a 6mm or .257” bullet? The interest in something even larger with a case capacity equaling a belted magnum is even more enjoyable to watch unfold. The Rokslide special is well on its way to morphing into one of the most overbore mini magnums and leaving the little turtle cartridge behind. Or is it tortoise? Lol

I almost feel like we are trapped in an infomercial and Billy Mays has been talking about cleaning stains - that sinking feeling has me thinking the actual performance might not match the hype. Lol

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Maybe be better at making friends?

I think we'd probably get along honestly. You come off kust like my waterfowl buddies.

If you don't let calibers define friendships, makes life easier.
That's awesome, I'm glad you tested those. Are they on your testing thread? I thought really seriously about buying the tool to expand to more options but never did.
I posted a few but the controversial low charge weight/low velocity tests were variable. Some would upset as usual some tumbled some penciled. Higher velocity impacts seemed very good with shortened neck length and slightly narrower/longer channel. If you enjoy tinkering and don't mid spending $700 on the nose ring cutter and accessories it might be worth it. For instance the 150g and 183g smk's had impressive seemingly above its class channels at high velocity impacts but low charge weight low velocity impacts penciled without tumbling.
Maybe be better at making friends?

I think we'd probably get along honestly. You come off kust like my waterfowl buddies.

If you don't let calibers define friendships, makes life easier.
I think we would get along - any new smiling face is welcome in camp. I’m one of the guys with broad interests, as are a lot my hunting buddies, so there’s no telling what kinds of rifles and pistols might be there. We typically use whatever tickles our funny bone for meat animals (this is where I’m hoping to have the best chance at talking someone into a 223), and get more serious when it comes to big antlers and horns.

You might help us with this whole autopsy obsession - we may not do it because we don’t know how and it never comes up in conversation for some reason. We simply poke em with a copper, bonded or partition bullet buttered up with as much smack down as a belted case can push, field dress and go home. Bullets don’t get recovered very often. I just don’t remember taking selfies with a torn heart or wearing a lung as a hat and shoving a fist through any holes while making hip thrusts. Most super ultra mag bonded bullet holes aren’t that big and there’s not much meat damage to look at.

Maybe you could also bring some ballistic gel blocks? Non of us have ever felt the need to shoot jello, but your species seems to enjoy it, almost require it. Does it taste like Jell-O shots? Do you have a banana bread, potato salad, or summer sausage flavor? I tried to explain according to the FBI jello blocks are a necessary thing or we might only be imagining the hurt of smack down power, but everyone laughed so hard Little Timmy choked on his gummy bears.

A couple of the guys shoot ridiculously accurate rifles - as hard as I tried to convince them they will miss an entire elk if they don’t sight in with 30 shots, it fell on deaf ears - I’m honestly worried they will fail because of little tiny three shot groups have made them over confident. Maybe you can explain it in a better way.

This is kind of like therapy - I feel better. :-)
Curious, what's the numbers on a thing like this? Never even heard of such a thing.
It’s almost identical in case capacity to a 6.5 PRC necked down to 6mm. From what I can tell, it’s not uncommon to get an extra 300 to 400 fps more than a 243 with IMR 4831 - essentially what a 100 gr bullet loses in 200 yards. With other newer powders I’ve heard of higher velocities, but who knows if those pressures are reasonable. The barrel I have coming is 28” so I’m hopeful it’s on the high end.

An old timer said once the 25-06 became a factory cartridge in the late 1960’s, it filled a gap in fast smallish cartridges and interest in the 6mm-06 became luke warm.
It’s almost identical in case capacity to a 6.5 PRC necked down to 6mm. From what I can tell, it’s not uncommon to get an extra 300 to 400 fps more than a 243 with IMR 4831 - essentially what a 100 gr bullet loses in 200 yards. With other newer powders I’ve heard of higher velocities, but who knows if those pressures are reasonable. The barrel I have coming is 28” so I’m hopeful it’s on the high end.

An old timer said once the 25-06 became a factory cartridge in the late 1960’s, it filled a gap in fast smallish cartridges and interest in the 6mm-06 became luke warm.
I've looked at some numbers slightly. Impressive numbers. Is it a barrel burner?
Here is how I see it. If you were to get punched in the face, would you want that impact to be from a welterweight or Mike Tyson? Enough said and I'm keeping my 7prc and 300wsm for big game and the 223 for vermin...just as it was designed.
Bullets don’t work the same as fists in terms of energy transfer and wounding, but recoil does.
@pacoalcracker A far better analogy is: would you prefer to be hit with a ford escape going 80mph, an f150 going 80mph or a school bus going 80mph? All 3 will crush the life out of you +\- instantly, the latter two will just do it to increasing degrees. At that point, who cares??

Dead=more dead=soooper dead

Yes, Im aware its a different mechanism. The point is that once “dead” is solidly achieved, everything beyond that point is non-functional. No one is debating that the bigger gun works, it just becomes preference rather than necessity.
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