I keep hearing the small caliber fragmenting bullets are taking over all of hunting and everyone who tries one sells everything and buys a Rokslide special.
The 77 TMK has been around almost 10 years, yet nobody I know, or even a friend of a friend hunts with it. I wish a few friends would step up and go hunting with one. I do know a few guys that went through a phase, usually with 25-06 and even respect the old guy that has killed more big elk with his 257 Roberts under 200 yards than I’ll ever see during the seasons, but that’s a long way from 5.56 and 6mm territory.
I hope you guys get the word out a little quicker - the ignorant long range target crowd doesn’t seem to be switching over to the 223 turtle either, or is it tortoise, unless they have to meet a class requirement. I’ll be pissed if after listening to all the high praise only a tiny percent of shooters adopt it, and we don’t have a chance to see one at elk camp.
I also find it funny that many of the small caliber crowd that bang their drums the loudest are going to larger faster rounds - isn’t that overkill? Burning the same amount of powder with similar weight bullets as the 270 seems to be acceptable as long as it’s a 6mm or .257” bullet? The interest in something even larger with a case capacity equaling a belted magnum is even more enjoyable to watch unfold. The Rokslide special is well on its way to morphing into one of the most overbore mini magnums and leaving the little turtle cartridge behind. Or is it tortoise? Lol
I almost feel like we are trapped in an infomercial and Billy Mays has been talking about cleaning stains - that sinking feeling has me thinking the actual performance might not match the hype. Lol
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