I have the opposite question. How do you guys continue to do normal gym stuff during elk season? I don’t want to do back, arms, or legs when that could mess up my hunt after I’ve invested so much time and energy in finding an elk. I’ve just been doing cardio chest and core for the last 3 weeks.
About a month out from season I revert from my regular 5/3/1 routine to a higher rep/lower weight (60-70% of 1RM), still concentrating on deadlifts/squats/bench/overhead press
About two months out I slowly add weight to a pack when I'm out for my daily hikes, will carry a weighted pack every other day. I eventually get the pack weight to a 60 lb sandbag and call it good. Same injury concerns with too heavy of a pack and too heavy of a bar at the gym.
I've never had too much issue with a 100 lb pack out during the season