Elk Late Scouting Risk vs. Reward

Nov 12, 2023
Looking for a little guidance, 2nd yr. archery backcountry elk hunting. Spent some time in the area I frequent this June and July, but like usual, the elk were low and not using the areas they frequent during September. Recently, I’ve had some good bulls on camera so I know they’re moving up into the country I usually have them at. My hunting partner will not be in to hunt until the 2nd day of the season, and we will only have 5 days of hunting. I on the other hand have the week leading up to the opener free. Would it be worth it to head out there for a day to gather some last minute intel, or is the juice not worth the squeeze? Can I rely on the information I know about the area from last year and how often does stuff like that change year to year? This is a public, OTC unit, so I’m also cautious about my impact on the elk and other folks hunts with my presence in the unit so close to season.

Apologies for the lengthy questions, thanks in advance.

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Jun 12, 2019
If you have the time free I would spend as much time as possible there. 3-4 days you may be able to pattern a herd or two and know where to intercept them opening morning. It will give you time establish your camp in an appropriate area relative to the elk instead of just moving in the evening before and camping where you think elk will be (or close to). You gain zero by not going there early.

With that said view from afar and don't push in to known bedding areas etc (which seems obvious). Spend mornings and evening up high where you can see and hear and take it in.
Feb 27, 2012
Tijeras NM
The obvious is you risk moving the elk into the next unit. You know what they say. “No risk no reward”. I will also say i set my camp up this weekend and didn’t even think about walking into the area i will be hunting.