Elk Hunting with Newborn Baby?

LOL these "p***y whipped" husbands putting their wives and children's needs above their own desires... that sounds like something you would hear from some one who has either never been married or has done it two or three times lol
If you choose to stay home to be with your wife and kids because it's your decision that's fine. But there's a lot of guys in here talking about how they would never even think of going out hunting because of what their wives would do. They have fallen under the illusion that in order to have a happy marriage you have to sacrifice all of your own happiness in life to obey your wife.
how original, definitely haven't seen that posted a million times 😂. As I have responded to several other people I'll say this... there are a bunch of guys on here saying they follow the "happy wife happy wife" philosophy which means they are willing to give up anything and everything they enjoy if it makes their wives happy. Men are not to just make ourselves miserable in order to obey our partner. If a father chooses to stay home from hunting by his own choosing then so be it, but to stay home because you wife will be mad or she wont let you since she's the boss of the house is complete bs
Your first error was basic math. I picked September and then subtracted 9. Then subtracted 4 more for good measure.…..daughter was born in late April Of that year.

on a more serious note, I did the same as many on here. I had my daughter out camping with me on fishing trips in Alaska starting at two months. She has grown up to be an accomplished hunter and a very confident young woman. I made a choice to introduce both my wife and daughter to my hunting and fishing passions from the beginning. They are my main hunting partners. It takes some sacrifice to start new hunters off, but the rewards have been so worth it. To have a family that is as into this as I am……I feel very blessed.
Guys, it's not that big a deal. Assuming a healthy/normal birthing experience, ask mom to come over and help, and go hunt. Be ready to pull stakes on a moment's notice, but enjoy yourself. Lord knows you earned the time away, and you'll need the recharge to buckle down and be dad for the first time the rest of the year.
I'm hoping it won't apply to your Wife, but post partum depression is real, and serious. Especially if she has no one else to step in when those feelings hit her. She will need you to be there, and there is no warning-it comes on her like a sudden flood of emotion. I believe every woman goes through it. My Daughter had it terrible, and when it hit her fortunately my Wife was able to be there and take care of the baby while my Daughter had a chance to come back down to earth. Good Luck !!
Had our first this spring, tried to plan it that way. Said no fall babies, she agreed.

She filled 2 tags with awesome hunts and I filled 3 with one more tag buring a hole in my pocket.

Maybe we view things differently. But we are meant to raise kids and teach them to be strong. Sacrificing daily to provide so they have a chance to prosper. But that does not mean our lives are then put on hold.
100% a trap! Haha 😂 I live in the mountains part time and was only able to elk hunt this year from a very comfortable cabin with a 1 month old in 3 hour spurts… if I was gone for a week solid I might as well have come home to a grizzly bear
Go hunting I did this year with a baby born in June and went hunting in early October. As long as she’s okay with it. My wife knew I was going and expected it. It was our second child first was 3 years old. Plus just fill your tag the first day and go home. Easy to please everyone.
@Augie, it's called being a parent. Some enjoy it, some not so much. Apologies on the meme, was at work getting my ass handed to me and it's all I could come up with between calls. I'll do better next time.
As a new dad, with a boy born last August I feel the position you're in. I am lucky enough to live within an hour of some great elk hunting and only hunted a couple mornings last year after ours was born. I agree with everyone when I say, dont do it. Its hard the first year, really hard and when you're in the mountains you will be thinking about the kid. You wont regret taking a year off.
Like others have said, skip this year or go hunt/fish local where it’s a day trip. Our first was born in April and I had a couple days fishing at the coast booked a year out before we even knew my wife was pregnant. It would have been 8 days after the due date.

My wife insisted I still go, both our parents live less than 30min away so she was confident. Daughter was born and ended up in the NICU for 10 days. No way did I want to go fish 5 hours away after that

It’s true that you are useless to the baby 99% of the time during the first couple months especially if she breast feeds but mom will be exhausted and will need help.

Now the only issue is having enough time to hunt between work travel and ballet recitals. And my wife is not a shy woman that would says she’s fine with me going and then be pissed about it, have the conversation with your wife and see where she’s at
I don’t understand posts like this. Grown men asking the internet for advice on how he should handle a personal decision that should be made between him and his wife. If you feel these strangers are going to give you peace of mind either way then I caution you to really look at your priorities. IMO family should always be first. In my 23 years of service I as well as thousands of my fellow Marines didn’t have a choice and most would have given anything to have more time with family. Some never returned to see their family again and a few never laid eyes on their child. I don’t apologize for my position, especially since you asked. Get your priorities in order and spend the time with your family.

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I don’t understand posts like this. Grown men asking the internet for advice on how he should handle a personal decision that should be made between him and his wife. If you feel these strangers are going to give you peace of mind either way then I caution you to really look at your priorities. IMO family should always be first. In my 23 years of service I as well as thousands of my fellow Marines didn’t have a choice and most would have given anything to have more time with family. Some never returned to see their family again and a few never laid eyes on their child. I don’t apologize for my position, especially since you asked. Get your priorities in order and spend the time with your family.

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Totally understand your post.

But, he’s never had a kid, doesn’t know what to expect and thought he could ask others who have experience. For all he knows it’s not a big deal. Or it could also be such a time consuming thing that he couldn’t be away for even a second.

Again, while I appreciate your message. Taking that line of reasoning to its logical conclusion would lead to the presumption that one should never do anything voluntarily that would take time away from spending time with his family. That seems like an untenable position.
My daughter was born a week before our season. We were in OK at the time so I wasn't hunting anyway. That was the only season I missed.
Skip the first year and take the family with you after that.
I e got a new born. I went on my coues hunt deer hunt. I think it depends on how mad she’ll be if you go. Lol
UPDATE: Baby 6 months old!!!

To anyone going through this thread. I 1000% made the right decision not to go last year. We had a little boy, and I couldn’t imagine having left him and mom for a week or more especially as a newborn. Heck even at 6 months I still hate thinking about leaving him for too long! It will be tough to leave them this fall, but god willing, looking forward to getting back in the hills! So to anyone still considering, stay home, soak it up because they grow WAY too fast….

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