Elk hunting (which is a 10 day out of state commitment for me) has always been a contentious issue with the wife. I was deployed the year after my son was born, so that issue wasn’t a factor when he was an infant. But after I got back I did elk hunt when he was 18 months… Not gonna lie, it stressed the marriage a bit. But it also set a good precedent going forward that I get 10 days in the fall to hunt elk.
This year while he was 2.5 wasn’t much of a fight, a few comments here and there but that’s to be expected. She knows elk hunting is my time, and she knows I don’t ask for much else, and when I am home I’m on top of being a good Dad, take care of the house, etc etc.
That said, I agree with the folks saying sit this one out. Wife and I are discussing another and we both agree I’ll take a break from western hunting the year #2 is born. We’re also waiting until the spring to start trying.
Marriage is about balance and give and take. You have to show some willingness to take a bit of a personal sacrifice for the sake of the family and marriage. Does it also mean you have to give up elk hunting forever? Absolutely not, but sitting one out for the team will pay dividends in the long run, trust me.
Also, postpartum depression is a thing. Right after my son was born was ROUGH… I was borderline concerned I might have to commit my wife for a few months. Trust me you DO NOT want to be 1500 miles away in the mountains when that shit starts to rear its ugly head, and it’s way more common than you think.
Bottom line build your points and plan for 24. Stay home and be a good father and husband first, and work with your wife to plan for 2024. She will appreciate it and it will help your marriage in the long run.