Elk Bullets - LRX vs HHT

Nov 18, 2023
22 inch Barrel

Narrowed my bullet Selection for a WY Elk Hunt to the 160 LRX or 162 Hammer HHT.
I historically prefer bonded bullets. I like the wind deflection and retained velocity higher BC projectiles provide, but want the penetration of bonded/copper.
I started with the 175 ABLR, but havnt been able to get the consistency/accuracy I am looking for. Not interested in regular ABs, ELDX or Bergers at this time. Would try Fed TA, but they are unobtainium as components lol

I have started development on the HHT and have had great accuracy and velocity around 3100fps. But havnt shot at distance.
LRX arrived today, so haven't started.
Obviously if one is significantly more accurate, that would seal the deal.

Looking for experience on a few things..

- The box BC of the HHT is acceptable but the LRX is very nice. Both allow me to meet my range goals, while staying above 2200-2000fps. I have seen some reviews of inflated BCs on some of the HHTs, but not as much on LRX? Anyone have experience?

- I understand the differences in design (retention vs pedal separation), but don't have any experience with monos. Can anyone with experience on game with both chime in?

- Anything else to consider in comparing these two?

Not for elk, but I've shot the various Barnes, to include the LRX for the past 13 or so years in everything from .224 to .375. 7mm in the 140-155gr class is my all-time favorite caliber for general Alaska use for deer and sheep up to moose and grizz. I still use my old stock Barnes on occasion, but I switched primarily to Hammer Hunter and HHT several years back due to better consistency from one projectile to the next and one lot to the next, they generally can be pushed a little faster before showing pressure, better accuracy, and they seem to kill faster than Barnes. I don't get in the weeds over BC too much as I only take shots on game at 600 and in, and I prioritize the terminal performance over BC within reason. You should be confirming drops and truing BC regardless of what the manufacturer states it is. My wife and I have shot 6 moose with a 6.5 Creed using the 124 gr Hammers and this past season I shot a nice bull with the 145gr HHT from my 20" 7 PRC and we never feel under gunned or wish we shot larger caliber or heavier bullets. I'll likely be switching to the new 141gr Hammer HBC to bump up the velocity and BC slightly for my 7 PRC, but if you prefer heavier, they will be coming out with a 154gr HBC.
The LRX is the highest evolution of hunting bullets . Keep impact velocity above 1800 fps (in my testing) and worry more about having a sharp knife
Please elaborate. Accuracy, performance on game?

I've used the 6.5 127g and .277 129g. Both are outstanding
I have a 7 SAUM and tried the 145 LRX as well as the 145 HHT. In the end, went with the LRX due to a little better accuracy and way less costly (few shops online had the 145 LRX on clearance for $24/box which was a no brainer).

Shot a few animals with them this past fall, all with complete pass throughs
- Bull Elk at 420 yards (complete pass through on two shots - he was dead on his feet standing, but put one more in for insurance)
- Whitetail buck at 350 yards
- Whitetail buck at 580 yards
- Muley buck at 350 yards

I was happy with the performance. All animals fell within sight so no tracking was necessary, however, the exits were pretty small. Tracking may have been difficult had they not died in pretty wide open areas.

Regarding BC, I haven't seen too many discrepancies from the LRX and HHT. Out to 600, they were pretty spot on. Either way, true your profiles and it'll be fine.

In 2023, I used the 267 HHT (338 RUM) to take a few animals as well. I don't think they were any more dead than what the LRX provided. All were pass throughs, maybe slightly bigger exits than the LRX.
Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it!
I chose the 162 HHT for now, Having a hard time giving up my bullet weight, as it's seems many do switching to monos lol. Iwill keep an eye out for those 154HBCs, I wonder if mag length or powder compression starts becoming an issue with those extra long bullets.

Thanks for the LRX feedback!

Thank you for the lengthy, honest feedback! Bonus for awesome photos!
I've used the TSX and HH from a 7stw on Elk and would not shoot a 160+ gr solid from a 7prc. I shot solids in the 140 range and with my next rifle being a 7prc, I will keep the weight at 140 or less if I go back to a solid.
Thanks for the reply!!!

Whats the reason for the lighter weight? I would assume impact velocity?

Running the numbers, I stay above 2200fps out to about 625yards and over 2000fps just before 800yards..

I don't plan to shoot beyond 600 yards. I know these HHT and LRX claim min around 1800fps, but I would limit myself to around 2200.

Not to hijack but is there a reason you chose 7prc over 300?
Rifle selection, rifle weight, barrel length, recoil, BC, etc.

I wasn't planning on shooting monos at that time either though.. Now on the mono train, bullet diameter may make a bigger impact if I were starting over.
I've used the TSX and HH from a 7stw on Elk and would not shoot a 160+ gr solid from a 7prc. I shot solids in the 140 range and with my next rifle being a 7prc, I will keep the weight at 140 or less if I go back to a solid, which is unlikely.

Checked out the article you sent.. I pretty quickly eliminated the 170 for me due to velocity and bullet twist.. Those don't align with heavy monos.. Him claiming 3200fps with 170s is pretty impressive..
Despite attending long range shooting courses, practice, accurate rifles, etc.. I also don't consider those shot distances as ethical shots (for me) regardless of projectile..
Thanks for the reply!!!

Whats the reason for the lighter weight? I would assume impact velocity?

Running the numbers, I stay above 2200fps out to about 625yards and over 2000fps just before 800yards..

I don't plan to shoot beyond 600 yards. I know these HHT and LRX claim min around 1800fps, but I would limit myself to around 2200.


They were going 3470 at the muzzle, no idea downrange. I was told to go light for caliber with solids so that's what I did. I don't trust the mfg's numbers and their minimum expansion doesn't look like much expansion from the pictures I've seen.

That linked post was just a catch all hammer post that I thought might have some info. It goes into the weeds pretty quick.

All my rifle Elk were in WY sage country and I never had to shoot anywhere near 600. For this years WY elk hunt I'm going to shoot the 180 hybrid or 195's from the 7prc.
Rifle selection, rifle weight, barrel length, recoil, BC, etc.

I wasn't planning on shooting monos at that time either though.. Now on the mono train, bullet diameter may make a bigger impact if I were starting over.
I ask because I'm in the same boat. I'm wondering if the increased diameter is worth the heavier platform and recoil. I'm not recoil shy but I shoot 7 prc really well. Looking forward to your insights.
Re BC: The 145 gr. LRX out of a 280 Rem were spot on at 600. Match rules required you to come zero’d at 300, then show the match director your come up for 600, dial it, and fire a shot. Director challenged my dope, said it was not enough. I explained my due diligence and he said fire a shot, you are off paper and you are done. No pressure. Shot was good.

Not a super tough test of BC, but sighted in at 100, dialed 300 shot, all good, and then dialed 600. It was as close to exact as I could hope at 600. It’s a very consistently accurate rifle, so if the BC was way off I would have noticed at 600.
I shoot the 139lrx in my 7mm and like them . I also shoot the hammer hunter 137 in my 308 and like them there . They both hit hard but I'm close to giving up the 7mm because it longer and heavier than the 308 and I haven't found anything that gun can't do as well as the 7
I've used Barnes LRX in my 7mm Rem Mag and 6.5 CM for several years and have been impressed with thier accuracy and terminal performance. I've taken at least half a dozen elk, several mule deer, and two antelope with the LRX out to 400 yards. Full pass through on all of my animals.

I shoot Seekins rifles and they both shoot the LRX better than everything I've tried except for the Hornady ELD-X. I prefer to hunt with lead-free bullets so the ELD-X was out for me.
I've used Barnes LRX in my 7mm Rem Mag and 6.5 CM for several years and have been impressed with thier accuracy and terminal performance. I've taken at least half a dozen elk, several mule deer, and two antelope with the LRX out to 400 yards. Full pass through on all of my animals.

I shoot Seekins rifles and they both shoot the LRX better than everything I've tried except for the Hornady ELD-X. I prefer to hunt with lead-free bullets so the ELD-X was out for me.
Thanks for the feedback! I take it with that performance, never tried the Hammers or any other Monos?
I shoot the 139lrx in my 7mm and like them . I also shoot the hammer hunter 137 in my 308 and like them there . They both hit hard but I'm close to giving up the 7mm because it longer and heavier than the 308 and I haven't found anything that gun can't do as well as the 7
Gun to your head, you have to choose one.. LRX or Hammer?