Elk and Nose Jammer?

Mar 4, 2014
Anyone ever use Nose Jammer for elk? If so, what were your thoughts. I know that it does not jam the nose but vanilla is a calming scent for animals. Let me here your thoughts.
My opinion is the Best nose jammer out there is to do the following: get where you are going to hunt. Put your hunting clothes on. Take your pack and put it on. Spray nose jammer on the ground and head out. After a week in the backcountry, or even a day, I am not sure if anything can "jam" an animals nose. Playing the wind and using terrain is the best. I am all ears to hear about success stories though.
I think you'd just be adding an extra unnatural scent to the woods. As far as I know I've never smelt vanilla out there. -I could be wrong though and my nose could be off. I personally wouldn't risk it. Best of luck though!
Think of the elk's nose like your ear/mind listening to a band playing song that you sing along to every day. If the vocalist sings the wrong words in the song, you'd immediately look up and say "WTF?!".

Wild animals can distinguish the scent notes all around them, period. I once read a hunter's story about a bear (granted, not an elk) that had its head buried deep in a rotting carcass, he approached and wind shifted, putting him upwind, the bear suddenly jerked its head out of the carcass , checked the wind, huffed, looked at him and ran off. If the cover scent of a rotting carcass didn't work, nothing will. I once also hunted with my brother, who was in a ground blind 100 yards from me in light wind. I saw a buck approach his blind from down wind. When that buck came into my brother's scent stream at over 100 yards away, he did an abrupt about face... despite the blind, no-scent detergent, etc...

Also reminds me of the "Ozonics" You-tube demo I once saw that shows a buck crossing directly under a tree stand while a "hunter" sits in it and releases a small cluster of goose down to supposedly "illustrate" where the hunter's scent is going. Of course the goose down drifts toward the buck... Joke of an advertisement, really. That goose down weighs a thousand times more than scent molecules, which no doubt were still high aloft and had not drifted down far enough for the buck to smell.

I am suspicious of any ad that claims a product masks/covers scent or fools animals like elk. Same with the need to have the latest/greatest camo pattern that match on every piece of gear you own. Call me a luddite/curmudgeon.

Believe me when I say there is no covering scent. However, I think of it like this: if you walk up on fresh skunk spray it smells real bad. Add some time and a bit of distance and the smell fades. Scent sprays are like adding that time and distance. Sure the animal smells you but it is not as strong as it could be. At times this makes them feel easy.
Whitetails tend to be curious animals. Some guys claim to have success with Vanilla scents, peanut butter, or even cigarette smoke because Whitetails will often come check out such smells if they do not associate the smells with danger. That being said, for every deer killed downwind of cigarette smoke or over a vanilla candle, whose to say that 10,000 deer weren't spooked by the same odors? Buck Bomb can't keep cans on the shelf during November which suggests that tens of thousands of hunters are using the product. What's the success rate? 1 deer killed for every 100, 500, 1,000...5,000 can sold? Its probably a pitiful statistic (not to mention a terribly hokey product with bad marketing and an entirely low information fanbase, but I digress). In general, Elk do not seem to be nearly as curious as Whitetails and the only way I could imagine this product to actually be effective is if you literally sprayed the can directly in the nose of an animal like mace, otherwise, their noses are far too complex to be "jammed."
If you are hunting in the areas that have the fires burning.... smoke is a GREAT cover scent. Also, if Covering your scent is the key to unlocking your hunting success...get an ozone machine and "cleanse" your clothing. Otherwise as many have said on here...Play the wind...that is your only option with these Elk.