elk 300wsm 200g factory ammo - hornady eld-x or fed terminal ascent

Not answering the question, but related. With the above note that the TA is intended to retain 90% weight, would this be considered a bullet failure? The picture is a factory loaded .308 TA recovered from the offside hide of a bull elk shot at 30 yards. Shot slightly quartering to, just behind front shoulder so may have hit a rib but no other bones. Elk ran 80 yards and fell over so results were fine. View attachment 818509
LGTM. Not a great mushroom but would work well quartering to, away, broadside. I would prefer that performance to exploding on impact any day of the week.
I use TA, accubonds and Barnes ttsx. They’ve all performed well for me in 300WM. I’d vote for the TA.
I have had good results with ELD-X, but have seen poor reports on the internet.
TTSX I had poor results, but have seen good reports on the internet.

Accubonds I have had good results time after time.
Partitions also, great results.

What I use is rifle dependent on how they group.
I’d recommend shooting both, and going with whatever shoots best with the barrell. Both of these will do the job, it’s all about precision
I’ve had great results with 200 gr TA in .300 win mag. Black bear and whitetail deer. Grouped well and very impressive wound channels
0 - 600 yds, prob more likely 200-400 yds.

any one meaningfully better for elk than the other, given similar accuracy?

For several elk hunts in the last few years I had been shooting 180gr Accubonds in my 30-06 Merkel K-3 Extreme. But I wanted to explore bullets that would get me under an inch at 100yds. I tried 175gr TA’s and saw a remarkable improvement in accuracy. I have not shot a bull with the TA’s but inside 500 yds a bull elk is in a lot of trouble!