I’m on my fourth season with the DefendEar Hunter Passive. I certainly won’t hunt without them.TTT
Pheasant opener was this morning. Had some luck and got my birds.
But... my ears r still ringing a tad. As I'm getting older. And with still decent hearing. Want to protect what I got. See my dad struggle with it every day from years of abuse.
Seen a few suggestions for upland. Has anything changed? Need to be able to hear and know where my dogs are at. And hear em flush. But reducing the blast would be nice.
We just use the cheap camp Walker electronic over-ear muffs. They have a mic in each one so you still get a little bit of directional hearing and you can actually turn the volume up to hear better if it helps in certain situations. They're like $40 on Amazon all the time.TTT
Pheasant opener was this morning. Had some luck and got my birds.
But... my ears r still ringing a tad. As I'm getting older. And with still decent hearing. Want to protect what I got. See my dad struggle with it every day from years of abuse.
Seen a few suggestions for upland. Has anything changed? Need to be able to hear and know where my dogs are at. And hear em flush. But reducing the blast would be nice.
These are goodSordin Supremes with gel cups are the most comfortable and true to life sound. Definitely much better than walkers or Howard leight impact sports for sound and comfort.
I've been using the previously mentioned Otto noizebreakers for upland/waterfowl. Fairly expensive but I also don't enjoy the ear ringing.TTT
Pheasant opener was this morning. Had some luck and got my birds.
But... my ears r still ringing a tad. As I'm getting older. And with still decent hearing. Want to protect what I got. See my dad struggle with it every day from years of abuse.
Seen a few suggestions for upland. Has anything changed? Need to be able to hear and know where my dogs are at. And hear em flush. But reducing the blast would be nice.
I have the custom molded Soundgear. I can hear birds call, the dog and conversation. I can hear birds flush. The only negative that I can think of is that it is sometimes difficult to know from what direction the sound is coming from.TTT
Pheasant opener was this morning. Had some luck and got my birds.
But... my ears r still ringing a tad. As I'm getting older. And with still decent hearing. Want to protect what I got. See my dad struggle with it every day from years of abuse.
Seen a few suggestions for upland. Has anything changed? Need to be able to hear and know where my dogs are at. And hear em flush. But reducing the blast would be nice.
I really like an Etymotic musician plug with 9 or 15 db filters. Style 49 from Westone. Use them in loud bars, music venues, stadiums, etc. flat response so the plugs don’t color the sound. There are other brands of musicians filters, but the Etymotic ones are the best imho.Looking for a solution. Finding I have spent a great deal of my life in the 85-120 db range and need a passive set of ear plugs. Any new suggestions?