electric smoking wind checker system

Nov 18, 2024
Nampa, Idaho
Anyone know if there is any kind of electric smoking wind checker system? I have been noticing how well the smoke from those electronic cigarettes show wind and how visible the smoke is without scent.

I can't imagine that nobody has capitalized on that and made some kind of smoke emitting pen.
This is what I see of when I encounter dweebs vaping in a car ----

What problem would this solve that the simple, little Dead Down Wind bottles don't already solve?

I'm simply seeing problems...more expense, more complication, and the damn thing is a fire hazard. Please help me understand what I'm missing!
What problem would this solve that the simple, little Dead Down Wind bottles don't already solve?

I'm simply seeing problems...more expense, more complication, and the damn thing is a fire hazard. Please help me understand what I'm missing!
Gadgets are neat though.
What problem would this solve that the simple, little Dead Down Wind bottles don't already solve?

I'm simply seeing problems...more expense, more complication, and the damn thing is a fire hazard. Please help me understand what I'm missing!
I'm on the same page. Talcum or milkweed/down feathers. The milk week/down from feathers go out a lot further than smoke.
What problem would this solve that the simple, little Dead Down Wind bottles don't already solve?

I'm simply seeing problems...more expense, more complication, and the damn thing is a fire hazard. Please help me understand what I'm missing!
There’s only so many social media influencers that can push same product. We need to give them more options to make a living out of 😂
Collect some milkweed pods. The little wispy silks float for a long while and are gonna be lighter than anything you can buy
^^^ yep.

I do find that I need to "re-charge" my milkweed after a year or two... the strands get brittle and break down. But that's easily done in August before I head out.

I also question the logic of adding another device that needs electrical charging and can break....
I like milkweed fluff. I collect it while it is almost dry, take it out of the pod and remove the seed. I then put the deseeded pod in a plastic container with holes in the lid. I set it out in the sun for a day or so to finish drying out. I then store the dried fluff in a pill bottle or the like. Reach in and pull out a little fluff and let it go in the wind. I can see it for a long way. Sometimes the wind will blow the duff say south for maybe 20 or 30 yards and then it will go east 10 yards and sometimes the back due north. In other words it show what the wind currents are doing for more than 4 or 5 yards.