Dang Jared they let you back in there again?? I figured after the last time and all the customers they lost from having to look at pics of you that they would get smart and ban you from that mag....lol
Jared, I did enjoy your article. What I enjoy the most is seeing your article in an Eastmans' Journal year after year. Man you get some after it and put some good animals on the ground!
Thank you guys. I appreciate the comments. I love reliving my hunts through written expression! Watch for future articles on here as well! There isa tips and tactics article called "Patience" in the general section.
Won't be going to WY this year. Gonna give the muleys a year or two. Been some rough couple winters for them. I have 5 preference points for elk....trying to decide already where to apply for elk in WY in 2013! Thinking about CO for muleys for a few years.....but .....it could all change!