7mm-08 vs 308

Hard to say. 308 has the 155 scenar, some 168 and 175 stuff. 7-08 has 150, 162 ELDX or M. and some 140 class bullets.

I prefer the 7mm-08 myself, but have a 308.

The 7-08 tends to drop less, drift less, and retain velocity better than the 308.
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Keep both. I really like my Kimber 308 but I’d really like to have another in 7/08 or 6.5cm. I’d be leaning towards the 6.5 though personally since I’m already set up to load for it.
7mm-08 would be my choice but you are really not going to notice a difference between the two. Plus if you keep the 7mm-08 you will be saving money by not having to pay to get your 308 chopped down.
When you make a bad shot, which will likely happen some day. The 7mm-08 with its flatter trajectory, and better BC (wind deflection+energy) might make the difference between a wounded animal and a dead one. 1" closer to the lungs, liver, or heart has made the difference for me on more than one occasion, although i'm much better with age (calmness). Part of the reason I'm switching from .308 to 6.5CM is the fact that I know I'll shoot it a little more precisely. I also wanted to open the door from my personal max 400 yards, to 500, if everything is perfect. 7mm-08 was my second choice...
- not to mention the advantage of less recoil!
Since you don't have any history with either one, and you haven't really given either one any decent time at the range, I would suggest giving them both some range time. Maybe run a couple boxes of ammo down each and see if one performs better for you, or just speaks to you more than the other one. I'd be willing to bet that one is going to edge the other, and it will probably make your decision a little easier. IDK, but probably worth trying. Either way, when you do decide to get rid of one, you probably won't have too difficult of a time doing it, as long as you haven't made any major mods to it.
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Age old discussion... For deer and antelope only stick I'd stick with the 7mm08. Made the switch a few years back and never looked back. Tough problem you have. I also like the advice of shooting them both to ensure one is not inherently more accurate. Good luck whichever route you choose sounds like a fine unit.
I prefer the availability of the 308 even as a reloader. The 7mm is a superior cartridge but marginally so. At conventional hunting ranges no game is going to know the difference. Jerking off about performance in a short action is just that; jerking off. If you want a hammer get a long action or magnum.