*edited*Official roast the first time elk hunter thread

I don't mean to razz you (ok I do) but these two lines are too much this made me laugh. 🤣 I'll quite teasing now

Maybe I just have dog crap for brains but I really do not understand the correlation between someone sharing a picture or statement that they killed an archery elk in those units and sharing actual helpful information(which Im not asking for).

If I showed you a picture of a boat load of yellowfin tuna I caught off the coast of Wanchese, NC would you know where to go to do the same? Would you know the right water depth to start trolling at? Would you know the ideal temperature break? Would you know what color sea witch to pull?

Of course not! Because I did was tell you, yes I caught a bunch of yellowfin tuna in June off of Wanchese, NC.

Its generalized. Its doest help you figure out anything.

If someone tells me or shows me an elk they killed, I still won't have a clue in this world what they specifically did to have that success...

Lol even I can laugh at that.

All I edited out was the pressure statement. I didnt want someone freaking out that I "said too much" or someone somehow put 2&2 together about what units I was referring to. God forbid I'm the reason something is different in those areas this year over a harmless forum post.

I truly didnt realize this was such a sensitive subject with all of ya'll man. My goodness.
If someone posted a 400" bull in your unit, and something like 50,000 people have a tag that allows them to hunt that unit, don't you think there is a good chance that some of those 50,000 people will be influenced to hunt there? And then that could be to the detriment to the folks that were planning on hunting there anyway?
I think you vastly underestimate the know how of some guys to take general info and turn it into elk steaks (or tuna).

As a fisherman, if you mention a certain water body has 20 lb brown trout, I absolutely can do enough footwork to have a chance at said fish. I know enough that with a water body to focus on, I can come up with a gameplan and be in or near the money.
Too many out of state hunters-- said no Rocky Mountain resident ever...... ...Well Known Rocksliders can ask for pics and not get roasted. Roasting is for the guy with one post asking for "help" Lets keep it civilized Rocksliders.

Good luck this year!
I think you vastly underestimate the know how of some guys to take general info and turn it into elk steaks (or tuna).

As a fisherman, if you mention a certain water body has 20 lb brown trout, I absolutely can do enough footwork to have a chance at said fish. I know enough that with a water body to focus on, I can come up with a gameplan and be in or near the money.

That's probably my issue honestly. I do underestimate people and I do think its ok to discuss things.

I guess that's just not me personally, so I dont considerate that others may have an ulterior motive.

I know that the judgement I'm catching on here is probably being caused by the past actions of others, and preconceived notions that everyone asking questions is fishing for info so they can make their own life easier.
You don't think it is a big deal because its not a regular area you plan to hunt.

But a draw unit in my home state has seen a preference point increase of 4 pts in recent year because they heard it was a good unit.

Do they know how to hunt it? Are they successful? I know a guy that drew it because he heard it was good and never even saw an elk.
But he made it harder for us to get a tag thats for sure.

Gods honest truth, I personally had no desire or motive to pry specific info from anyone. I didnt even think about the fact that people sharing their past success could flood the unit with new hunters that somehow thing they can do the same because of a picture they saw online.

I sure as heck wish I would have never brought it up. That was a morbid mistake. Lesson learned. You guys got me. You can put your torch and pitch forks down.

I promise if I'm successful in my trip to Montana, I'll tell the rest of the internet I killed the elk in downtown Bozeman or something. :)
Gods honest truth, I personally had no desire or motive to pry specific info from anyone. I didnt even think about the fact that people sharing their past success could flood the unit with new hunters that somehow thing they can do the same because of a picture they saw online.

I sure as heck wish I would have never brought it up. That was a morbid mistake. Lesson learned. You guys got me. You can put your torch and pitch forks down.

I promise if I'm successful in my trip to Montana, I'll tell the rest of the internet I killed the elk in downtown Bozeman or something. :)
I also have a buddy that is a really successful shed hunter, he had to sell his brite blue lifted truck because it was to easy for people to follow him around.
You don't think it is a big deal because its not a regular area you plan to hunt.

But a draw unit in my home state has seen a preference point increase of 4 pts in recent year because they heard it was a good unit.

Do they know how to hunt it? Are they successful? I know a guy that drew it because he heard it was good and never even saw an elk.
But he made it harder for us to get a tag thats for sure.

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Thats a legitimate complaint dude.

But again..

In reference to me personally, not the general public, my thought process was this

1) I'm hunting units "a" and "b" regardless of what ya'll say. Its where we planned to go and its where my resident friend knows and hunts every year. I dont know his friends though, so I only get to see the one or two animals he kills or helps pack out

2) the harvest information, success rate, archery vs rifle, and bull/cow harvest numbers are already public info on the FWP website. How would this thread get those units any more attention?

3) I wasn't asking for any specifics. Its 650,000 acres that's over 80% public. Thats an absurdly large area to talk generalizations about.

This was my thought process going into it. Try to understand something from someone else's point of view rather than ridiculing them.. You have obviously all corrected me and made it known I'm a piece of crap for asking and potentially jeopardizing western elk hunting. We're done here. I get it.
I also have a buddy that is a really successful shed hunter, he had to sell his brite blue lifted truck because it was to easy for people to follow him around.
If that's a legitimate story, that's pitiful.

I didnt grow up like that. My friends, family, and myself all went and found our own hunting and fishing spots. We knew who the guys were that could go out there and get on them every time, but we never tried to follow them or steal their secrets. We just wanted to be like them one day, so we kept grinding until we got better.
Thats a legitimate complaint dude.

But again..

In reference to me personally, not the general public, my thought process was this

1) I'm hunting units "a" and "b" regardless of what ya'll say. Its where we planned to go and its where my resident friend knows and hunts every year. I dont know his friends though, so I only get to see the one or two animals he kills or helps pack out

2) the harvest information, success rate, archery vs rifle, and bull/cow harvest numbers are already public info on the FWP website. How would this thread get those units any more attention?

3) I wasn't asking for any specifics. Its 650,000 acres that's over 80% public. Thats an absurdly large area to talk generalizations about.

This was my thought process going into it. Try to understand something from someone else's point of view rather than ridiculing them.. You have obviously all corrected me and made it known I'm a piece of crap for asking and potentially jeopardizing western elk hunting. We're done here. I get it.
I never implied you're a POS im just letting you know Rokslide threads are much easier to get a Google hit on then what is on the fwp website.

And in my experience it has specifically made noticeable differences in hunter and application numbers.
Heck outdoor life did an article on a unit in my state back in the day and old timers said it completely ruined the unit. Increased hunter pressure from the same 10 dudes to you better get there a day or 2 early so you can get a camp site
If you post a pic of an elk you killed, which most of us do in the meat pole thread. Then somebody replies and asks what unit you get that in? You going to announce that on the internet?

Careful, there is only 1 correct answer to my question.

You’ve done just that in reverse. Named units and want guys to post pics of elk they got there. Ain’t gonna happen.
Don’t go south of Anaconda. Burnt crisp. Wow the replies…. Best ask your buddy to do some scouting. If he can’t do that he’s not much of a buddy.