Edge to Edge clarity importance?


Jul 27, 2016
I'm curious how people rate edge-to-edge clarity for their optics. I've been reading about the Image Stabilizing binos and it seems they have pretty poor edge clarity but people don't seem to care. I think edge-to-edge clarity is huge, most of my glassing is done off of a tripod or window mount and I have found that when you don't have good edge clarity those areas tend to be missed/scanned past while gridding.
I also shed hunt and glass for bedded animals or animals laying in the timber a lot, to me being able to lock down your bino/spotter and look at the whole image is critical when trying to pick apart an area, especially when you're looking for tines. When I'm making a grid I tend to attempt to move my binos or spotter almost to the edge of my last spot and lock it down again, if edge-to-edge is poor you almost have to move so that you overlap by nearly half to get a good clear look at the areas that were close to the edge with enough contrast and sharpness to be able to pick it apart and ultimately you end up missing stuff due to a poor outer image.


Rokslide Sponsor
Dec 21, 2016
What are you hunting? How far are you looking?

I tried the image stabilized and they are awesome. But they don’t work for Coues type glsssing like you describe.

Coues deer, the grey ghost are best seen with edge to edge because you are using your peripheral vision to catch ear flicks and movement most of the day when bedded in the shade of desert scrub.

Hand holding to scan frequently for animals is great for EXO podcasts have talked about them used during the Alaska hunts.

Elk? They are huge and tan with a big white butts.

Sep 11, 2017
Three Forks, MT
Previous two posts cover it. The human eye sees movement before color or shape. That’s how you’re going to spot anything that’s not obvious. The niche of the image stabilizers is for hiking/glassing, moving and covering country while hand holding optics. In that scenario, IS is going to way outperform traditional glass. Once it’s on a tripod, Clarity and edge2edge/FOV is king

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