(Eastern Oregon) More Bugle Questions

Jun 4, 2017
Susanville, California
As with many of you, I'll be out and about killing my back, legs, lungs...all while doing it with a great and positive attitude. Ha-ha. Anyway, I trying to consume as much bugle information as I can, but I can't seem to find any region specific bugle tips. In a previous post a few guys said that the elk are generally call shy in that part of the state, and spot and stalk seemed to be a preferred method. I am certainly prepared to use that tactic if need be.
However, on the east side of Oregon, when the elk do come alive, has anyone found a consistent call sequence that brings decent results. Not asking for a how to, just some general suggestions. After all it will be hard enough hunting with my buddies let alone the added difficulty of competing with all the other boys on OTC hunts. haha. Thanks in advance.

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Mar 24, 2012
Warren Oregon
I have bow hunted eastern Oregon since 1993. The affects of calling has really changed over that time. It seems like now, you are more likely to call another hunter than an elk. I would recommend more strategic calling than was done in the past. Find elk if you can, then start calling. Sure, you may try trying to locate them, just be careful not to get distracted by hunters. When you start a calling sequence, if you get no answer, be more patient, and stay up to an hour in one location, as the elk are in no hurry to check you out.
Jun 4, 2017
Susanville, California
I have bow hunted eastern Oregon since 1993. The affects of calling has really changed over that time. It seems like now you are more likely to call another hunter than an elk. I would recommend more strategic calling than was done in the past. Find elk if you can then start calling. Sure you may try trying to locate them, just be careful not to get distracted by hunters. When you start a calling sequence, if you get no answer, be more patient and stay up to an hour in one location as the elk are in no hurry to check you out.
That's very helpful. I like your tactical thinking man. I'll definitely keep that in mind. Best of luck to you....I'll try not to call you in if we are in the same area!!! jk

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