Like I have said before, if it's an area that's easy for you to get into, it's easy for everyone else too. But do your homework before you bushwhack straight up a 1K' ridge thinking you'll have it to yourself.
Reason I say this is 4 years ago my buddy and I were looking for a spot where there weren't any other hunters, not that far from the VERY busy Hermosa park. We were rookies and had been running into other hunters daily (but still in fresh elk sign and seeing the occasional elk). My buddy says, "I'm tired of seeing all these other hunters - let's go somewhere they aren't." It was warm and the elk we had seen so far were all on the shady side of steep ridges, in the dark stuff. So we found a steep ridge and I went vertical straight up the dry side nearly 1K feet while he went around the base to the NE side. Our plan was to meet on the other side of the ridge and hope that I would push elk down to him, or more likely that he would push them up to me.
After over an hour of near-vertical, through blowdowns and a lot of sucking wind, I reached the top of that ridge only to discover an old logging road. I thought "no sweat, nobody else is going to go through that much trouble to get up to this road." Then about 15 minutes later, two guys come walking along, talking in full throated voices (why do people do that in the woods?) with packs on and bows in their hands. I was like, where the h... did you two come from? What I didn't know was there was a locked gate that came in from another road, and those guys just hiked about a mile in on that old logging road to the top of that ridge. So much for that effort!
I didn't tell my buddy I ran into those guys, so at least he thought we finally had a place to ourselves that day.