DS138 ship creek sheep permit

Apr 6, 2015
Anchorage, AK
My sheep hunting partner was lucky enough to draw DS138 this year. I was wondering if any here has any good experience or information on that area. We’re from the Anchorage area and will be able to some weekend scouts this summer.
Congratulations. That's the hunt I applied for...for the last 15 years and haven't drawn. Talk to Fish & Game and put some miles in this summer. Good luck!
Have you hunted sheep before?

The success rate is like 25% for that hunt, the sheep are professionals, and the terrain isn't that forgiving. OTC tags have higher success rates in many areas. Weather/fog also plays a factor.

Good luck!
Have you hunted sheep before?

The success rate is like 25% for that hunt, the sheep are professionals, and the terrain isn't that forgiving. OTC tags have higher success rates in many areas. Weather/fog also plays a factor.

Good luck!
I have hunted sheep before. I noticed the harvest statistics were lower than average, and the size of harvested sheep wasn't very impressive. Should be a fun summer scouting. Thanks!
The size is small because the majority who draw the tag shoot the first legal ram they see. Best of luck. Put in the time and you'll get one.
Wow I'm jealous! I've been back in some of that area hiking and bird hunting and seen some sheep, dreamed of some day being able to hunt that high zone.
If I were to do this hunt, I would start scouting via California Creek and focus my efforts around Bird Peak (not to be confused with Bird Ridge which is about 6 miles to the east).
Obviously, there's a population of sheep around McHugh and Indian House (saw a full curl right off the Highway by McHugh today), but I'm not sure that band ever enters the huntable terrain of DS138. For instance, do those sheep ever get to Williwaw? I don't know. I *think* the eastern zone gets less human interference and may hold happier sheep.