Wyoming Unit 17 Ram Tag


Feb 10, 2024
Hello all,

I was lucky enough to draw a Resident any ram tag in area 17 (Ferris/Seminoe Mts.) in Wyoming. I’ve spent part of two weekends there scouting so far. The first weekend and friend and myself saw around 20 ewes. Last weekend My Dad and I saw 2 ewes.

Does anyone have any general insight on this area?
Where am I likely to find bands of rams in the summer to take Some inventory on what’s around?
You got my license, I will share nothing with you...
I kid, kind of, keep looking in different terrain, you'll find them.
You got my license, I will share nothing with you...
I kid, kind of, keep looking in different terrain, you'll find them.
Maybe this will just be rubbing more salt in an already oozing wound, but I’ve only been a resident of WY for just under two years, and this was my first year applying.

It is extremely humbling to realize that at 24 years old, I was lucky enough to draw a tag that many men have lived their entire lives dreaming of and never gotten the chance to. I am far beyond grateful for the opportunity.
Maybe this will just be rubbing more salt in an already oozing wound, but I’ve only been a resident of WY for just under two years, and this was my first year applying.

It is extremely humbling to realize that at 24 years old, I was lucky enough to draw a tag that many men have lived their entire lives dreaming of and never gotten the chance to. I am far beyond grateful for the opportunity.

Yeah, good for you, lol.

Talk with the biologist and the warden, they'll give you some insight, then when you start finding them pay attention to the terrain and start looking in similar type country.

Good luck and keep us posted!
Send me a message I can try and help you out.

I will send you a message later today. I am trying to figure it out this morning but so far I’ve not been able to.I am getting ready to head out of the house to go to work right now but I will work on it a little later. Thanks.
Ewes and rams are not together right now. Rams will be in bands by themselves.

Yep, talk with the biologist. They want you to get a mature ram and will be very helpful.
Some good ones in that area, good luck !!