Will do. When you say "perfect zero", here is how I "do that". Shoot a 10 round group, then throw it into the Hornady app and get the elevation and windage offset from POA. Then adjust my turret to the closest possible. Then take the remainder and input the Elevation and Windage offsets in the app. Then, as far as I can figure, the rifle should be as "zeroed" as I can get.
So for my current DRT load, I shot
Then I adjusted the turrets "down" .2 mil (.72") and "right" .1 mil (.36"). Then I use "-.1 inch" as the Elevation Offset, and ".03 inch" as the Windage offset. I only brought 10 rounds of that load, so after the "adjust", I never fired shot 11-20 to verify that my "cone" did shift.
Then I used DRT .475 BC and 2880 FPS, and the offsets, as input into my app. I then took it to the mountains (I have 2 steel setup across a drainage, one 12x12 at 604, and a 12x20 at 936). Got up there, and wind was gusting 5-10 mph at my rifle, so I assumed similar at the target. Ended up with 16 shots there. I have a Swaro 25-50x65 spotter I use to digiscope, and for some reason, they always turn out crappy, so when a bullet does not hit the steele, hard for me to know exactly where/how I missed (take this into account when I describe my misses below)
Images should be attached in order…
Here was the sequence: Wind was L->R 5-10 mph ...
Shots 1-4 were at the 600y target. 1 & 2 missed right, 3rd seemed high. 4 SEEMED to be right on vert, and probably 4" to right
Then I went to the 936y target ... Was relevant that I am terrible at wind calling (imagine that)
5 & 6 - To the right. 7 no idea where it hit. 8 was low right.
9 Adjusted to 2935 FPS in the app and then dialed down to 6.9 (why would I change if I was hitting vertically where I was, good question) - Hit low
10 - Low right
11 - Adjusted "1 ft up", so .1 mil = 3.6", so up .3 mil? ... Could not figure out where it impacted
12 - Dialed to 7.4 after an adjust to bullet BC, keeping 2935 fps, hit low right
13 - Dialed to 7.9 hit about 1' high
14 - Dialed to 7.5, hit essentially same place as shot 5 (There an back again)
15 - Shot again, and hit low (I think)
16 - Moved back to the 600y, dialed to 3.5 (based on the new BC .425 @ 2935 fps, hit a smidge low ...
So at this point I am not sure why the velocity change between Lincoln (Lincoln CA range, 70 degrees 154 ft elevation. 2-3 mph wind) and Mountains (5000' 80deg, 5-10 wind). I did not "document" each shot.
I will go up again, with a friend that will spot impacts, as well as digiscope. Going to take my time on each shot. Make sure a solid front rest. I was using my Spartan Bipod last time. I will use an ammo can and my Molinator next time. Also making sure wind is essentially zero, to try to remove that variability in my abilites.
Any other suggestions (other than "Use the Hammer that is dialed in, and wait for your 0-600y class with
@Formidilosus next summer). Is appreciated.