Drop Test Results - Quick Reference PDF

Zero Tech Trace supposed to be red or green? Can’t remember the ins and outs of that one :-/
Thanks for compiling this!!
I just checked—three drop evals were conducted and it shifted significantly during all three on the 36” drops. Thats a fail, but the pdf shows it as green.

This is helpful for a lot of people, but I think its a huge oversimplification that legitimately may not be helpful to simply “red/yellow/green” scopes that failed differently in different parts of the eval. I think it would reflect much more useful data and reflect better on the eval itself to provide a separate column on the spreadsheet for each PART of the eval (ex. A column for each of: tracking/ return to zero, 18” drops, single 36” drops, 3x36”, 3000rounds/3000miles, etc) so people can see where and how each scope failed, and also which parts of the eval were even conducted—because not every eval is complete.
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I just checked—three drop evals were conducted and it shifted significantly during all three on the 36” drops. Thats a fail, but the pdf shows it as green.

This is helpful for a lot of people, but I think its a huge oversimplification that legitimately may not be helpful to simply “red/yellow/green” scopes that failed differently in different parts of the eval. I think it would reflect much more useful data and reflect better on the eval itself to provide a separate column on the spreadsheet for each PART of the eval (ex. A column for each of: tracking/ return to zero, 18” drops, single 36” drops, 3x36”, 3000rounds/3000miles, etc) so people can see where and how each scope failed, and also which parts of the eval were even conducted—because not every eval is complete.
Thanks for the callout; edit made.
This is exactly the reference I needed for quick comparisons, thank you so much for putting this together!