Drones in the news

Eh, it's Jersey, don't hold your breath.

But if they make it south, we got grandma's that takem' out.

"And I blasted it"

It's worth watching the news segment.
“And i blasted it!” Lol

Send her to Jersey
Or a legit company doing legit scans. A relative flys some big drones with all sorts of scanning gear on it. It sees through most everything and down into the ground pretty far. Software filters out inside of homes and such for privacy issues. The images I’ve seen are pretty cool.
If that’s the case then why not just say it? What’s the point of hiding it?
I think it's a distraction to keep people from noticing what's going on in Syria and Ukraine. They have to secure WWIII before anyone notices. They only have until 1/20 to get it done.
Just a FYI only way to fly a drone at night, is if the drone has a thermal camera. Which are very expensive, around 6k.
Just a FYI only way to fly a drone at night, is if the drone has a thermal camera. Which are very expensive, around 6k.
That’s completely false but if you’re looking for something at night with a drone you might need a thermal.
Did a little digging.Last time Trump was in office the Defense Production Act was passed to make us less dependent in Chiiii-na for stuff. Title 3 created a $200 million fund to develop UAS-unmanned aircraft systems.

HR 5315 is the Drone Infastructure Inspection Grant Act and it created a drone testing corridor between New Jersey and Delaware.

If there are drones outside this, most likely doing some testing of drone detection systems.

Dean Caputo, who is Swarovski’s marketing guru and in charge of their tv show said today on social media they have had drones fall out of the sky because they entered secure areas.

The government knows exactly what is going on…they are giving quite exact answers to the questions and not saying anything more than necessary. It is good fodder for the media and to keep people scared.
The government knows exactly what is going on…they are giving quite exact answers to the questions and not saying anything more than necessary. It is good fodder for the media and to keep people scared.
Exactly. Anybody who thinks we don’t know exactly what these drones are and who they belong to is an absolute idiot. We can track individual people using satellites….we can’t track what/where these drones are doing/going??? GMAFB. We have some seriously stupid people in this country if they believe anything they are being told right now.

The bigger question is why are our govt officials lying to us? I mean, people like Senators who are telling us these are coming from an Iranian mothership off our coast, and they got this info from very highly placed sources. It’s very obviously all disinformation, and once again, the timing is too coincidental.
The government knows exactly what is going on…they are giving quite exact answers to the questions and not saying anything more than necessary. It is good fodder for the media and to keep people scared.
Correct. They are liars. Always.
No is an exact answer.
(You can just watch the first minute.)

The bigger question is why are our govt officials lying to us? I mean, people like Senators who are telling us these are coming from an Iranian mothership off our coast, and they got this info from very highly placed sources. It’s very obviously all disinformation, and once again, the timing is too coincidental.
Because people have taken down their Ukranian flags.
The government needs war ( or conflicts ) to launder our $$$$