Drones in the news

I love how politicians claim to be clueless - since drones are now a game changer in modern warfare, there must be a huge amount of classified spending on the development of offensive and defensive drones. All these drones and anti drone defenses have to be regularly flown and tested.

Then there’s the dipshank teenage kid without a lot of respect for rules. There is so little regulation or enforcement right now, as a teenager I would have loved to grown up with drones to mess with people. Individuals with day jobs have to fly their toys sometime, so it’s no wonder there’s a lot of night flights, not to mention it’s harder to get caught at night. There must be clubs and groups that fly together regularly and get amped up doing nerdy things with them.
I’ve had some decent intersection with federal drone regulation and mitigation with my job.
1) Big, very capable drones are not difficult to make if you have $$ and a some knowledge.
2) personally made drones are often not set up for flight restriction notifications
3) unless they are over a President doing something sketchy, direct mitigation efforts aren’t going to be used
4) don’t believe anything the news reports (maybe 40% accurate), don’t believe anything the government reports (maybe 20% accurate)
Does anyone actually believe that the government doesn't know what these things are? I love how they are saying we don't know what they are, but we know they aren't a threat. WTF? We have the most incompetent government in the history of our country. If these aren't ours, they need to be destroyed.
There were 911 calls last night about one going down in someone's back yard in NJ...one police report said a witness saw it go down and 10 more showed up in the area. Was reported that bomb squad and CSI were requested to investigate. There were recordings of the dispatch calls out there but I didn't listen to them. Reddit was all over it listening in on police scanners, there was a dispatch to the scene.

Haven't seen any updates or info since last night.

There was also a supposed leaked bulletin to NJ fire/rescue about how to approach and what to do when handling a downed drone.
UFOs or enemy aircraft/drones would not have functioning red/green navigation lights on them. My money is on US military testing/opertion.
That didn't make any sense to me either. No way an enemy would light the thing up for everyone to see. Why not just use thermal imaging? They are intentionally doing this to scare people.
Google mapping drones. We had large black drones 2 years ago, that was the Faa explanation. They did fly a grid pattern. Of course we believed them. Ha Ha.

About 30 people in our area seen them. Was not a big deal. The county here uses drones to check for buildings barns etc without permits and for taxes.
I’m in Oregon and things have been being reported around here over the past few weeks as well. Strange craft, lights, etc being reported by pilots along the coast.

Listen to the communication: this is actual pilot and atc comms
I’d like to see that video.
That didn't make any sense to me either. No way an enemy would light the thing up for everyone to see. Why not just use thermal imaging? They are intentionally doing this to scare people.
Yeah, you mean like a slow moving, huge balloon, traversing the country for all to see? Yeah, an enemy wouldn’t do something like that. 😉

When it comes to our govt, I don’t believe in coincidences. The timing is just a touch suspicious.
I love how politicians claim to be clueless - since drones are now a game changer in modern warfare, there must be a huge amount of classified spending on the development of offensive and defensive drones. All these drones and anti drone defenses have to be regularly flown and tested.
Yes, but not with lights and not over residential areas. Military development and testing would happen at Groom Lake, or Yuma, or some similar facility.

I think this smacks of something private. Or foreign.