Dried sausage recipes?

Jan 16, 2018
Reposting here as the cooking thread doesn't get as much traffic!

So i live near a very German town here in Nebraska. And one of their residents started a company, then closed it down, and now he just works on his own for friends and family. The company was lone wolf meats, and they made what they called Hardtac but in reality it was a dried sausage.

It was amazing when it was selling locally and as you chewed it more and more flavor would release from it.

His was made with pork and beef and I would love to try to make some with wild game but I can't come up with any recipes. Does anyone have a dried sausage recipe to try?

Pic included to give you an idea of what it is.


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google is good

My standard Fee for googling answers: Send me some when you make it
Also I have made something very similar myself, at least it looked similar.

When making deer jerky, i had some left over once. and my dehydrators were full, so i rolled it up into similar looking "turds" as in your picture and dried it in the oven, it was pretty good
Haha thanks, I guess I'm looking for some more specific recipes, along with temp/humidity of hanging room, pre smoking or post smoking, etc.

I've done a lot of googling and found a little but was hoping someone had a tried and tried recipe especially since you are not cooking to temp, gotta make sure your sure is right to kill everything.

But I'll give that one a shot with some meat and if it tastes ok I'll get an address from ya!
I have a friend who's step dad makes it out of deer. I believe it's a process that takes several days. I'll try to get the recipe or at least the method and post it here.
We make it every year.

the process starts just like any other sausage, grind, season of your choosing, mix with pork (about 60:40 ration lean meat to pork). And stuff. However, you have to use the proper amount of “pink salt” in the seasoning. I’m not going to provide a ratio because it is very dependent on quantity. Here is where the “hard” piece of the process comes in to play....
Cold smoke, again this is subjective on how Smokey you want it but we smoke for about 45 mins to one hour, with hickory, for three consecutive days. Remove from smoke house and hang in a cool dry location. There is some trial and error to this part that can’t really be conveyed via recipe but you want it to dry fairly slowly or it will shrivel up. But, you don’t want it to take forever either. We usually let it hang for 7-10 days to get the drying process started and then put a fan in the hanging area to keep the air moving but not blowing directly on the meat. Total drying time is usually 8–12 weeks, weather dependent.

Why is it weather dependent, because we don’t use a climate controlled room but always make it mid to late February in the Midwest. The drying location needs to be kept above freezing but otherwise cooler is better. If it gets too warm towards the end we will run a window ac unit in the room to keep it cool. If the humidity is too high it will get mold on the exterior. Doesn’t mean it is ruined but it does mean extra work wiping it down with a cloth dampened in white vinegar and water.