Draw odds increase


Apr 16, 2018
I have nothing to back this up but just a thought here, but in my area, far and wide it’s been pretty uneventful. Few cases here, lots of businesses closed or semi closed. But the majority of folks still working to some extent, and those that aren’t are drawing some kinda unemployment. Wife and I were both considered “essential” so really hasn't been anything different in our income and I’m thankful for that. But the oddball is guys on unemployment who are bringing home MORE than they were prior to this mess. Couple that with a stimulus check, and you’ve got a large number of people sitting at home with the internet at their fingertips. I’m gonna guess a lot of rural areas aren’t much different than mine, and I’d also guess a large portion of guys headed west to chase elk don’t live in down town big city, USA. And those areas, like mine, seem to be a lot less crippled by this deal than areas where everybody is piled on top of each other. And I’d guess that’s who hunts, mostly. So maybe it’s a wash. They’ll be some that can’t go and others that are gonna give it a try now either outta boredom or having few extra dollars in their pockets. I’m not trying to take away from people that have been impacted financially out of this. But by and large, it just hasn’t hit us like that, in this area anyways. I probably know 10 guys that go yearly or every other. 9 of them are going, the 10th is still going but not with a tag. And I know of atleast one that’s never gone or applied, and come October he’s headed to MT with a big game combo. Just my 2 pennies.


Apr 16, 2018
My other “bitch or complaint” out of this deal, is that if this truly is a pandemic, a national emergency the likes of us have never seen, then why oh why is anyone required to purchase a hunting or fishing license at this point? The last word of almost every states fish/wildlife agency is “resources”. Well if it’s a resource, and this is a legitimate emergency, and you don’t want people at grocery stores and we’re running the supply chain out of commercial meat supplies, it’s time to use your “resources”. If it’s as bad as they say it is, it’s time to use the resources you have until said emergency is over. Would it put a dent in deer/elk/turkey/rabbit/squirrel herds?? Maybe. Probably. I don’t know. But don’t tell me this is an emergency of epic proportions and we all need to stay 6 feet apart or the world ends and then ticket somebody for catching a fish in lieu of going to the grocery store and buying a chicken. That feels a lot like your saying it’s raining but that smells like warm piss running down my back.


Mar 31, 2017
No. VA
For CO, the draw happened pretty close to when this all went down. I doubt this impacted the number of applicants much and thus the actual draw. Once the draw happens, and folks have to pay, we may see some impact. I certainly don’t expect an increase in tags paid for. Perhaps a larger percentage for the left over pool?
Jun 11, 2017
I saw somewhere that CO elk applications were up 40,000 over last year. Might be higher than usual returned tags, though. Or maybe people don’t show up.
Overall apps in CO we’re up 5% over last year.
Doc we’re released last week.
Page 11.
also this shows all the tag allocation quotas for 2020.
what we don’t know yet is how many were point only apps and how many were Hunt codes for first choice.
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Apr 1, 2019
I'm going to hope tags will be easier draw and the woods will be less crowded. However, I really doubt there will be a dip at all.


Jan 24, 2015
I’ll be very curious to see what the reissue list looks like this year. Especially since they are implementing a bot stopper.


Sep 24, 2018
I am relatively new to big game hunting out west as a NR, but I can tell you the actual impact from the virus is just now starting to be felt. It is just my opinion, but the hunting applications will be normal as the years past since the impact of the virus was not known. Most people had already applied or were putting in applications just as the virus hit. To get a real idea I wish someone could post statistics about how many withdrew their apps, and how many have a tag but do not actually purchase it. Wyoming is an outlier due to the fact you have already paid for the tag.